Bad Chasing Behavior Hurting Both NWS and Chaser Image

:oops: Ive only been pulled over once for failing to pull over for a emergency vehicle responding to an accident. I did not see him until he passed me. I was not speeding. He was pretty ticked off but did not ticket me. He did ask me in an angry tone what all my equipment was for and I told him that I video storms. He accepted that although I think he thought that I was an ambulance chaser which I am not. He ran a check on my license and then his tone changed (clean record)and he told me to be careful out there.
In defense of those who pass other vehicles in towns etc. I find so annoying to get behind a local who thinks that the 35 mph speed limit sign really means 20 - 25. Its obvious that they are not in any hurry and dont mind holding everybody else up in the process. This is exceptionally irritating during a chase but for me is equally so even when not chasing.

I was on the Graham County storm Thursday from its inception. I would say that 90% of the chase vehicles I saw were behaving in a responsible manner. I will exceed the posted speed limit from time to time by up to 10 miles an hour, but that's about my limit.

I also saw the infamous "Tornado Intercept Vehicle" after the large wedge tornado dissipated. A new tornado had formed (the high-contrast white funnel with satellite tornado), and they were driving towards it. There was a guy stuck out the top of the vehicle as they went by. One could say that this was not responsible behavior, but it was definitely a sight I will not forget. They probably exceeded the speed limit by a good bit. I don't know, as I'm not even sure what the speed limit was on that road (we had just turned onto it). They left me in the dust. I was not going very fast at all at that time, though, as my car doesn't handle gravel roads at high speeds.

I also saw the infamous "Tornado Intercept Vehicle" after the large wedge tornado dissipated. A new tornado had formed (the high-contrast white funnel with satellite tornado), and they were driving towards it. There was a guy stuck out the top of the vehicle as they went by.

I saw that once before also earlier this year. He was standing in a hatch on top wearing goggles and holding a camera. I couldnt help but laugh. First thing I thought of was Steve Martin in "Sgt. Bilko" standing in the tank hatch saluting like a nerd. :lol:
I also saw the infamous "Tornado Intercept Vehicle" after the large wedge tornado dissipated. .... There was a guy stuck out the top of the vehicle as they went by.

I saw that once before also earlier this year. He was standing in a hatch on top wearing goggles and holding a camera. .... :lol:

Ah!... "The Parade Float!"
:x The comments in that initial post (1st page) are completely heresay. We have no way of knowing who these individuals are, what they were really doing, and if they were truly 'chasers' and not locals going out to visit the storm. Possibly these could be local newbie chasers that are taking advantage of the nearby opportunity to check out a storm and they aren't familiar with any of the issues, procedures, safety aspects of chasing. Any comments about these people or policy is pure speculation. I think these Kansas law enforcement have a bad attitude and are trying to give the chase community a bum rap. They have a bad reputation for doing this and sometimes harrassing chasers and putting up road blocks for years now. I say if they see someone actually breaking the law then give the people a ticket or throw them in jail if they are speeding and truly endangering the public; however this background static about the whole chase community endangering the public is a load of crap! Don't take it! Example: Sunday I called in two warnings and was one of the first on the scene. Lives may have been saved. The people out on the road are as varied and diverse as anywhere. Everyone is an individual with their own personal training, responsibilities, and call on what decisions to make. Because of that everyone has to be judged individually. Unless someone is going to create a statistically significant scientific study then all this talk of chasers endangering the community is for all we know simply nonsense. I recommend everyone follow the rules, and chase the "right" way. Try and encourage others to do the same. But don't stand or fall for this type of ongoing slam, and negligent pictoral of the chase community.
Hmmm, they had concerns about chasers on that one? What about the damn one lane road construction IN THE RAIN that never stopped for the tornado warning? A strong VERY large rain wrapped tornado literally 2 miles down the road heading at this location and they are stopping traffic from getting out of the way! That concern must have never registered in the troubled police that day apparently. It was only tornado warned for what, an hour before that? Had a large tube on the ground for the last 20 minutes. If the police and safety people in that region have concerns I'm sorry but that should be at the TOP of their list. Maybe they were chit chatting with these "official spotters" or enjoying the tube too much. Evidently they couldn't just write the tickets for the broken laws or clear stupid construction areas. I guess I just really don't get the complaint. If someone is going to say that, thinking they can get out of a ticket I really don't see them caring what someone else says they should/shouldn't do. And like has been mentioned over and over....ticket people for breaking the laws! Jeez.
I'm so tired of witch hunts ... it's so last year ... and the year before that ... and the year before that.

As we can see, it's evidently pretty ineffective against the people who really do pose a threat out there. I'm starting to throw all of these 'let's go after these guys' threads in the 'I'm not interested' category.
Originally posted by Mike Hollingshead
Hmmm, they had concerns about chasers on that one? What about the damn one lane road construction IN THE RAIN that never stopped for the tornado warning? A strong VERY large rain wrapped tornado literally 2 miles down the road heading at this location and they are stopping traffic from getting out of the way!

I think you have a valid question here Mike. This construction procedure may be dangerous and may not be designed to take such things as severe weather into accounty. I've heard there is a lot of construction going on in KS lately. Maybe they need to make a policy / procedure change on how to open roads during a tornado warning or something.

You should probably give a call to the highway department and let them know the situation. Well,...except for the fact that if you were chasing then you might be subject to the KS patrol witch hunt that is supposedly going on. How does that go? "Let's see...witches float. So, if we throw her in some water and she drowns then we know she's not a witch but if she floats we know she is and we can torch her at the stake". Kind of a Monty Python mentality.