Babies First Chase?

let's keep in mind everyone is entitled to thier own oppiniun. If it was me I would have left the baby with family just to be safe then sorry since I can not predict what will happen while chasing. (car accident or lightning strike etc) Having that said, that would be my choice. I would wait untill the child was older and I was more comfterble taking him/her out chasing. Jim Ladue made a different choice and that is fine. He is a experienced chaser and knows what he is doing. I have no problem with Jim taking his baby out storm chasing as he knows what he is doing.
This action was completely abominable, and should result in jail time for Jim. I would NEVER do something like this, and I expect others to feel the same way.

Just kidding, I had to set a new standard for Shane ;)

It's funny you mention jail time, as there was a huge story about a cop arresting a mom for running 20 feet away to drop change in a Salvation Army bucket while her 2 year was sleeping in the car. I believe a 12 and 7 year old went with the mom to drop off the change. Essentially she was arrested for a child endangerment for leaving the 2 year old sleeping in a car.....I wonder what THAT cop would have done if they saw Jim out in the field lol

FWIW, I don't see anything too reckless. I would want my child to share in my passion as soon as possible....No offense to Reed/Joel or TVN but if Jim were to do what TVN does (I.E an extreme shot with a tornado within spitting distance) with a young child then maybe I could see a problem.