Archived 1km satellite images?

Rob H

Mar 11, 2009
Twin Cities, MN
Are there any good resources for these? I've looked at a few places but can't seem to find anything in the format I'm looking for. Ideally they would be of similar format to this:


Most of the ones I've found are the "full" GOES 11 or 13 images which are at an angle and don't seem to have enough detail to pick out things like outflow boundaries.
The UCAR MMM archive is good unless you need data before about 1995. Also, it's missing images here and there. There's another place you can check that seems to have much better data availability: NCDC. Then you can view it using the Weather and Climate Toolkit NCDC provides. It's a pretty decent java-based free piece of software. I've used the system before and found it easy to use and quick to get results.
Those are two awesome links. I have used NCDC for archived radar images but I had no idea about the toolkit. Also I had no idea UCAR had that database. For satellite I have just used archived images from Unisys. Thanks guys!
