Apple iPad

No camera?! no multi tasking?! only AT&T 3G coverage (or lack there of)?! I really hoped this would be something revolutionary and something that could help with chasing but to me it seems like just another thing you have to carry around. I'm super, super disappointed.:mad:
This could have a great application towards chasing. It's a mountable screen with $29 data with *no contract*. The browser is probably just fine for looking at models and such too. And I'll just assume there is, or soon will be, a radar application that integrates roads, obs, gps, etc.

AT&T may not be ideal (but I hear it's the data of choice when you get into TX and OK), but only good things can come from the market pressure that $29 data will cause. If this goes to Verizon or Sprint for $29, watch out.
While I just bought an iPhone last week and love it (can't wait to chase with it!) I am concerned that the browser doesn't support tabs.

I have a slew of bookmarks for forecasting and many of these are arrays that just pull up the products - each in their own tab - Ctr-PgUp or Ctr-PgDwn to scan through (be it models going out in time, various model parameters at a given time, SPC mesoanalysis sectors, analysis arrays featuring a range of real time actual data/images, etc, text products) and firefox on a laptop is my workflow.

iPhone is great for radar, or looking a couple of critical products in the field (say a quick look at radar, sfc data, sat pic) to supplement going old school visual, but for the real heavy lifting forecasting I need tabs - and lots of them.

My old laptop still fits the bill (I reinstall the operating system each year to keep its speed up) and these new inexpensive netbooks would probably work as a good replacement when I need to.

Thanks being said, if the iPad gets Firefox with full tabs (and book mark sync - I had to export my WX bookmarks into Safari before being able to get them into the iPhone via iTunes) and full extension support, it will become a very attractive option!!

I think this is the dumbest thing ever, I mean an oversized IPod Touch, really? No multi-tasking, no webcam/camera. Why did they not make any new features that would make it worth buying?

That would be like me taking the Nintendo DS, making it much bigger with no added features than selling it at an expensive price. I don't get it.
I'll probably get one for novelty purposes. I have been wanting a Kindle ever since I got my wife one for Christmas. The iPad will satisfy my mobile book needs, give me something to surf and play on and, of course, will run the all new ChaserTV app once it's through the Apple approval process.

I agree with the above comments though, it IS indeed an oversized Touch and ATT is ridiculous as a carrier (even though I'm using them for my iPhone...).
I use my touch a lot - I'd love to have 3G on it but will never use an iPhone as my cellphone so this looks perfect...
AT&T may not be ideal (but I hear it's the data of choice when you get into TX and OK)

I have both Sprint data and ATT data and in my direct comparisons so far Sprint is kicking the crap out of ATT. The ATT data away from any major city is so slow, it takes the StormTrack forum almost 5 minutes to load. I'm just glad I'm not paying for the ATT one.
This is a real game changer for the folks here in DC. It'll be huge, and I'm sure that was the point, to keep the ones that can afford it, spending that money!

I doubt many at the moment will find it that great for chasing. The lack of camera makes sense, as it is rather big to have a camera built-in. I do think it would be cool to have a little camera that would be removable from a slot, kinda like a pcmcia/express card. You pull it out of the slot and when you done, just slip it right back in. The other lack of additional toys is so (just like the iPhone) you'll need to buy the updated version in the next year or so.

Oh...and ATTwireless sucks in cities too. The more friends that get the iPhone, the more I notice they loose signal when I NEVER do with VZW. I'm sure the data card side isn't much different.

Its a big ugly iPhone that costs way too much for 3G Coverage.

And after having the Storm, I dont think I can go back to a touch screen that doesnt "Click"
Just shows how different everyone can be. I saw your comment and thought "There was someone who thought a clicking touch screen was a good idea?"

Haha, I had a Storm as well before I got my Droid and thought the phone itself was great. Easy to tether, great battery life, etc. but man, I hated that click screen! I think the new Storm 2 has improved on that aspect.

Anyway back to the subject...I've now had the afternoon and evening to cool off a bit over my frustration with the iPad and have reached the following conclusions, also echoed by a few of the other posts. First, this machine has potential galore. Just because I find it pointless in it's first iteration doesn't mean it can't jump off and become something great in future versions. I think it can eventually be a great tool for chasing. Secondly, not every Apple creation will be for hardcore tech nerds such as myself. I guess I was hoping this thing would come with a teleportation feature that could beam me to the plains for chasing with a click of a button. Yes, I set my expectations way too high. I am sure this device will work right away and be great for some people, and for me, I'll be patient and await further versions that will hopefully satisfy my needs. Ramble over...:D