Mike Hollingshead
This forum really does need a photography section. Then again maybe weather and chasing works. I guess it would in this case since fog is weather.
Anyone in this area along the Missouri know of any good overlooks? I'm finding it sort of hard to find any high spots that are right along the river. Ponca state park might be an option, but I've never been there. I'm now scared of this option just north of me http://www.legendsofamerica.com/NB-BlackbirdHill.html All I need to hear in the dark, in the fog, well off the road....the screams of some long dead person. Sucks cause that location might be a cool one. Sounds like maybe some others near St. Joe. MikeP? Still around?
Anyway, here was a very cool outing from the other morning. http://www.extremeinstability.com/07-8-25.htm It was just damn cool to watch. I'm sure some mountain people have some very cool pictures of above fog views.
Of those that take photos and haven't given this much thought, I would...it's easy to chase and can offer some very cool views. One just needs locations, bodies of water(or a lot of corn), and cool mornings. I'd love to hear of any high spots around here if anyone knows of them. That and see some images if you have them. Umscheid has some amazing ones from yellowstone that I'm highly jealous of. I was driving around in thicker fog that other morning, as the sun was well up, looking and looking for my fogbow, but it just wasn't there.
Anyone in this area along the Missouri know of any good overlooks? I'm finding it sort of hard to find any high spots that are right along the river. Ponca state park might be an option, but I've never been there. I'm now scared of this option just north of me http://www.legendsofamerica.com/NB-BlackbirdHill.html All I need to hear in the dark, in the fog, well off the road....the screams of some long dead person. Sucks cause that location might be a cool one. Sounds like maybe some others near St. Joe. MikeP? Still around?
Anyway, here was a very cool outing from the other morning. http://www.extremeinstability.com/07-8-25.htm It was just damn cool to watch. I'm sure some mountain people have some very cool pictures of above fog views.
Of those that take photos and haven't given this much thought, I would...it's easy to chase and can offer some very cool views. One just needs locations, bodies of water(or a lot of corn), and cool mornings. I'd love to hear of any high spots around here if anyone knows of them. That and see some images if you have them. Umscheid has some amazing ones from yellowstone that I'm highly jealous of. I was driving around in thicker fog that other morning, as the sun was well up, looking and looking for my fogbow, but it just wasn't there.