Amazon Deal on GPS (12/10 time sensitive)

$29+ shipping since it is not sold by Amazon

That plus $39 for GPS gate makes it a pretty cold deal
When I first started chasing this year, I asked Mike H and Amos M what kind of GPS I should get. They both independantly referred me to the DeLorme LT-40 and the Earthmate 2008 software. So I bought it and used it with my laptop w/Xp. No problemo.

I bought it new on eBay for less than $50 including shipping. Works on GR3, SpotterNetwork, and the native Earthmate software without running Franson's GPSGate. If you run more applications you may need to use Franson's, or if you have Vista it might be best to use Franson as well...

The difference is $20; what do you want?
IMO - it was the best bang for buck that I have yet purchased.
I tried the bluetooth BT-40; it has issues - I wouldn't recommend that one...
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I use Delorme Street atlas 2006, hoping to get an upgrade to the 2009 this year. I use the puck from the 2006 series and use the Delorme serial emulator, which is free. It can be used with GR3, Delorme street atlas GPS mapping, and Baron Mobile Threat Net all at the same time through the emulator.
When I first started chasing this year, I asked Mike H and Amos M what kind of GPS I should get. They both independantly referred me to the DeLorme LT-40 and the Earthmate 2008 software. So I bought it and used it with my laptop w/Xp. No problemo.

I bought it new on eBay for less than $50 including shipping. Works on GR3, SpotterNetwork, and the native Earthmate software without running Franson's GPSGate. If you run more applications you may need to use Franson's, or if you have Vista it might be best to use Franson as well...

The LT-40 is very nice, I have it... but you cannot share it with other apps if you're Vista 64-bit. At least, that's been my experience thus far after a few days of banging my head against the wall. I would love for someone to tell me I'm wrong here, as I'm at the end of my rope and thinking of trying the GPS 18 from Garmin, so I can have GPS on my GR3 output.

The LT-40 is very nice, I have it... but you cannot share it with other apps if you're Vista 64-bit. At least, that's been my experience thus far after a few days of banging my head against the wall. I would love for someone to tell me I'm wrong here, as I'm at the end of my rope and thinking of trying the GPS 18 from Garmin, so I can have GPS on my GR3 output.


Did you try the Fransons GPSGate? It has a free 14-day trial and is supposed to do MANY apps. I don't know if it has a Vista 64 problem, but I doubt it. It usualy works despite the fact that Vista is on the machine.
Be sure to read the note they have posted for those with Vista 64 beneath the donload app.
Yes, sorry, I should've mentioned that I've tried GpsGate numerious times, as well as a couple of other emulators. I've actually been in contact with Franson support, and have been told that Delorme has to provide the virtual device drivers for their GPS in order to work with GpsGate. Problem is, Delorme's site states they only provide virtual device drivers for the 32 bit version of Vista... so it appears I'm out of luck.

I've already confirmed that the Garmin GPS 18 will work with GpsGate on Vista 64-bit, so I'll likely be going that route.
