Chris Hayes
Well, I was just at looking at the confirmed tornados of 2006 so far. Before looking at this data, I knew there were severale notable torando outbreaks this year, but wasnt sure of the tornado totals for a couple of the outbreaks, or the final tornado counts for the months, so I was thinking it was kind of slow so far this year. However, after looking at this data, I realize, with nearly 300 confirmed tornados so far this year, we're in a very active year so far. With 136 tornados so far this month, we've already passed last April's confirmed tornado count of 106, 2005's count of 125, and could easily pass the total for 2003 of 157. There has been a lack of violent tornados so far this year with only 1 F4 occuring in MO on March 13. The only question is, how does the pattern look going down the road? IF this pattern keeps up, this could be a great year for storm chasing, as long as the tornados move into more chaseable territory.