David Brookshier
Never in all of my three years of living here in north Texas have I ever seen things get this bad. Our threat, not from supercells or tornados or even flash floods but from more wildfires this is the kind of weather I would expect from Colorado or California. Humidity in the teens!! less than half our annual precipitation!! and a serious drougt that leaves no end in site. Yesterday at least 15 homes were destroyed right here in Denton County alone and we have an even greater threat for Thursday as dry air conditions with 15-25 mph winds expecteed. Now I must take action and do something to help our community, I walked around the field surrounding my apartment complex yesturday and what I have seen is an entire match box ready to explode! the slightest thing will ignite all this dead dry grass and if this happens the fire would quickley grow in strength as it eats 100s of dead trees and wood laying all over out here! My idea may sound crazy but when the apartment office opens I'm going to ask the manager to send the landscapers out thier to clear out all the dead vegetation and wood that has us totally surrounded. This sounds crazy guys but trust me if you picked up some of this dry grass, an it through your fingers you would know of just how vulnerable many areas in Denton county and all of Texas really are. We had a close call already they had the sirens blaring but it wasn't for a tornado or a test!!! I saw the haze but not the fire itself Close Call!!
One final thought <will the next great wildfire be caused by someone carelessly throwing thier cigarrete butt out the window? With so much dead vegetation lying around it's a terrifying thought.>
One final thought <will the next great wildfire be caused by someone carelessly throwing thier cigarrete butt out the window? With so much dead vegetation lying around it's a terrifying thought.>