According to TEPCO, in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 in Fukushima Prefecture, and the meter shows the increase in pressure in the containment vessel containing the reactor containment can be broken if this is correct As there may, at midnight 12 days 49 minutes, made a report to inform the national emergency. TEPCO is to lower the pressure in the containment, is considering whether to release to the outside air in the container containing radioactive material. TEPCO "small amount of air emission" to this. The Unit 1 nuclear power plant Fukushima Daiichi, after the earthquake, you need to cool safe "reactor power generator emergency" became unusable, all the judges do not have enough capacity to continue cooling, the government Shortly after 7:00 pm on the 11th, "Nuclear Emergency" was declared. However, such leakage of radioactive material outside the facility at that moment had not been confirmed, TEPCO's recovery efforts in a hurry.