Jason Boggs
The weather channel reports that 200-300 bodies have already been found.
This may have been posted already as I didn't really take time to look and go over all posts but there was not just 2 quakes leading up to the big one....there were a number of them before the big one (8.9) and have been a total 63 total. YES THAT NUMBER IS CORRECT! Of course some of these were after shocks as well but the majority of them 5.5 to a magnitude of 7.9.
Per the Quake Feed it looks like the first one was 7.9, the second one a 7.9 and then the 8.9 followed by 60 "after shocks" ranging from 5.4 to 7.9 starting near 11:46CDT going through 8:10amCDT this morning.
The AP is circulating a model-generated wave height map from the PTWC, but their stubborn habit of only offering images in stupidly small sizes prevents me from actually reading it. Does anyone have a link to this?