7/1/06 DISC: WI / MI

"today is going to happen as I planned."

Ouch - something about eggs / chickens / hatching? ;>

LOL... Hey, does that post comply with the maproom rules? OMG! :o

Hmmm... Seems like convection did sort of happen like he originally forecasted for WI. It was just this crap state (MI) that screwed out of severe weather again (WI always wins). There were two or three very nice supercells, some of which were tornado-warned for a while -- and produced very large hail and damaging sfc gusts (and a funnel cloud report or two). There was ~35kts of deep-layer shear across that region yesterday and plentiful boundary layer instability (and > 200m2/s2 0-1km SRH) and even in the late evening when convective initiation occured, which was just after 00z, IIRC.