
Severe ThunderStorm Watches up from Minisota/NorthDakota south to Colorado/Kansas. These watches could possible extend south into OK later today and east into IA/MO/WI.


SPC has a 5% chance of a tornado today. Starting a Now thread.
I found a nice, shadey wifi spot tucked near the back of the Cottonwood Inn Motel in Phillipsburg, KS right off Hwy. 36 just east of Hwy. 183 North outside downtown. Its a nice cozy place to tuck away and the wifi is strong. A place to remember later on down the road.

I think I am done with my micro-moves as I don't know where to go which is any better than right here. I personally think tornado chances are pretty slim anywhere within range of here, so I'm not sure moving 25 miles in one direction is going to do me a lot of good right now. Probably just safe to await initiation and see where things are going before I move. I like this area cause I can go any direction on major highways near the border.

SPC's meso analysis shows higher supercell composite numbers two counties to my east near the Mankato, KS area. I'm in a pretty benign area right now as things are probably starting to come together to my north and west. Moisture convergence is higher near the Oberlin area, so that's a somewhat encouraging sign. Shear at the low levels in this area looks like crap right now, but hoping that'll improve as the upper dynamics get pushed into the area.

Skies are clear overhead of me right now, but vis sat is showing some cu along I-76 in NE Colorado into SW Nebraska stretching up through the O'Neil/Norfolk areas. Storms firing up there already. Will wait the southern play.

I think I am going to sit here and keep my eyes north. Not sure I can drive anymore to put myself into a better position. We'll see what happens!
Logan County Colorado is now TOR warned. A pretty nice looking thunderstorm on radar.
WOW...If the radar signature on the Mitchell/Huron SD storm is accurate, that just took a violent shove into the massive intense kick-ass supercell category. The southern half on the storm has turned into one big hook, and velocities are going crazy with that rotation. Man I wish I were up there...guess I'll jsut have to wait a couple hours til it's in my neck of the woods :) 1.75 in hail reported with it, and it was in a purple box for a while. But with the current radar signature, I wouldn't be surprised if this bad-boy became a cyclic producer.

Hi Kyle, That storm in SD is realy inpressive and is now TOR warned. The storm is 14 miles north of mitchell and moving southeast at 40 mph.
Yea, that Mitchell SD storm is insane! Base velocity at .50 tilt is major. I'd be shocked if there wasn't a tornado on the ground, (hopefully being videotaped).
Yea, that Mitchell SD storm is insane! Base velocity at .50 tilt is major. I'd be shocked if there wasn't a tornado on the ground, (hopefully being videotaped).

Roger Edwards apparently saw a rain-wrapped, multi-vortex tornado with that storm around 4:45 pm CDT. The storm has since dissipated while moving into the cooler environment across SE SD.

Rich T.
4 cells in east NorthDakota are TOR warned is anyone chasing in that area and if so are you seeing any tornadoes? I wouldint be suprised if there was some tornadoes on the ground right now.........
We're on the cell in Wyandotte Co., KS right now ... developed several TVS signatures as the storm developed organized inflow. Rotating wall cloud moved over I-70, but the hail core caught up with us and we are sitting under a canopy with what I estimate to be 60mph gusts. Quite a storm. The lightning is wicked. Surprised by how well structured it became in a short period of time. Very nice inflow.
Is that a cell firing along a couple boundaries just west of DDC? It seems to have been sitting in an almost stationary position for the past hour.
Is that a cell firing along a couple boundaries just west of DDC? It seems to have been sitting in an almost stationary position for the past hour.[/b]

There is a Wind Farm (Wind Turbines) in Gray County near Montezuma, Kansas
west of Dodge City,

Power Point Presenatation:
Mitigation of Wind Turbines on the NEXRAD Network

wow things got quiet in here.
heres my report slash comments on current scenario:

went out with news9 stormtracker to Enid vacinity in the chance that something did go up in that region given the high capes and dews in that area, but too much debris overhead above capping layer limiting surface heating to punch through cap so BUST but on the way home on that overpass immediately outside of Okarche, OK on what eventually is NW Expwy as the sun was setting you could see waaaaaaaaaaayy offf on the western horizon the leading edge of something that could only be described as the mother ship. One of the most breathtaking sights you will ever see. One of my most favorit spots in all the world is that overpass immediately south of Okarche at sunset during the summertime.

Anywho im sitting here at my apt in Norman now facing a groundhogs day type scenario of "here we go again", another round of MCS here in Oklahoma. Last night I couldnt sleep a wink, not b/c of minor convective cells in the area but just couldnt sleep. So now I really am tired but almost for certain know that when 3:30-4am rolls around......KAAAABANG. Kinda scary thought.
But my thoughts are that it will be most severe further north round Stillwater, Enid vicinity but will still be severe here in central OK but dont think it will pack quite as big a punch as further north. However, as mentioned in the evening OUNAFD, the MCS's havent yet realized the LLJ that is currently kicking over the KS/OK state line as seen currently by showers and thundershowers that have developed all across northern Oklahoma attm. Lets just hope and pray I dont have a CG parade here at 4am, I hate that. Every high end electric storm that comes through Norman, I have flashbacks to last September when my apt got absolutely landblasted by a CG strike. Sounded like 5 bombs going off at once in the parking lot. Anywho im off to bed...for now.