6/15/2009 NOW CO/KS/OK/NE

Jul 9, 2004
Tulsa Okla.
Now KS 6/15/09

New echo starting to build just SW of Hugton KS also SE of GLD.

I would exspect MD & Watch soon!!

Updated: 3:32 PM Three storms now One Storm SE of GCK. The second one NW of GCK already looking great.
The third storm is 40 SW of GCK.

Here we GO!!!

I expect tornados as the storms move NE toward Jetmore to Great Bend area.

Tornado on Ground Now streaming live twisterchasers.com

Tornado damage south of Kinsley5:40 PM One mile of power poles down.
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Sitting in Overbrook, KS south of Topeka watching an awesome cu field. Appears to be some sort of windshift line back near Emporia to west of Topeka that could be the focal point for development here soon.
Colorado is the new Oklahoma! I'm starting to wonder why I keep going elsewhere! LOL

As I am sitting here in Colby I am asking myself the same question. Last year it was Windsor, this year Elizabeth! LOL

Meanwhile back at the ranch, I am sitting in Colby now watching Verne's Cam. I am planning on moving south east of here to perhaps Oakley/Quinter/WaKenney area. As Dustin mentioned in the forecast thead, I am keeping a close eye on the Oberlin area as well. the 4.0KM showed a really large isolated cell coming thru there on the morning run. Looked interesting enough that I may see how things develope further to the west and keep a good north/south option to reposition after initiation.
There are a number of pictures already posted on the 9 News Digital Network at 9news.com. Pretty impressive tornado with a gorgeous sunny backdrop in a number of the shots.
Surface winds are backing in SW KS in response to the deepening low. DDC is now SSE and Garden City is SE. Looks like numerous showers/storms to the west, hopefully once they hit the juicy air one will become dominant and go nuts!
Heading east on I 70 now near Oakley there are 2 awesome storms to my south. The one to the north has an overshooting top that is just breathtaking!
Two reports of wall clouds on storm north of DDC radar. Now tornado warned.
Surprised nobody's mentioned Nebraska yet. Three TOR-warned cells out by the North Platte area ATTM.
By satellite looks like a couple more agitated Cu popping in Sumner and Cowley Counties south of Wichita. Nothing on radar as of 4:45 pm CDT though. Another feature to note stretches toward Hutch. Fine line on VIS sat could be some sort of gravity wave.

Meanwhile Haviland profiler showing two good signs for those too far east of Dodge. Jet level winds are increasing. 850 level winds are backing, but not strong. Still plenty of hope towards Wichita.
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LCL's are worrisome for the Kansas play. They're currently in the 1500-1750 range over most of Kansas, which might be just a little bit high for tornado production. I wouldn't rule out the possibility of a couple tornado reports from the Kansas cluster, but I would imagine the bigger tornado threat is going to be across Nebraska today.