Will Campbell
People saying "victims". Based on the accident report, should Kelley have survived he would be charged with manslaughter. The victim is Corbin and Kelley's passenger.
Years ago, Tom and I were chasing outside MAF when a large truck ran a stop sign -- missing us by only seconds. We started the process of calling out intersections by making sure one of us said "clear" as we approached. People always thought it was "silly" when they heard us on video doing this. Ironically, I did see another chaser "intentionally" run a stop sign on a live feed yesterday further south. I'll leave that footage to the DPS to sort out.
From a pilot's perspective, I always encouraged passengers to call out anything they saw, e.g., other aircraft I may have missed. One should never assume the driver knows a stop sign or hazard has been spotted. This is a tragic reminder that driving is by far the most dangerous part of our pursuits. This is a tragic set of circumstances. Two people in one vehicle that apparently missed seeing a stop sign and ill-fated timing on the part of Corbin. It's truly heartbreaking.
I think we all know where this conversation will turn once the grieving process is over. There is going to be some kind of atomic backlash from law enforcement and others about chasing.
I think we all know where this conversation will turn once the grieving process is over. There is going to be some kind of atomic backlash from law enforcement and others about chasing.
FYI there are conflicting reports on whether or not Williamson or Yarnall was the driver of the TWC vehicle. Credible information says it was the latter. I saw at least one article (by the AP) that had the facts grossly mixed up (it said Jaeger was a passenger in Yarnall's vehicle and Williamson was alone).