2nd Midwest Extreme and Hazardous Weather Conference

Dec 10, 2003
Online registration is now open for the 2nd Midwest Extreme and
Hazardous Weather Conference sponsored by the Central Illinois Chapter
of the AMS. The conference will be held in Champaign on 14-15 October
2005. Featured speakers this year will be Dr. Paul Kocin, Tim Marshall,
P.E., and Dr. Morris Weisman.

This conference provides a venue for the presentation of case studies,
operational research, and applied climatological research related to the
extreme and hazardous weather that occurs in the Midwest, including:
tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, snowstorms, ice storms, floods,
lake-effect snowstorms, lake-breeze storms, cold waves, heat waves,
dense fog, and all related human impacts.

A conference agenda and additional details about the conference can be
accessed through Conference link on the Chapter web site:

Early registration ends September 23. Online registrations will be
accepted through October 2.

Steve Hilberg