2024-05-30 EVENT: TX/NM/OK

Outside midland. Cell has cycled a time or two .. good inflow tail forming now


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Still early yet. But the boundary dropped below lubbock . Will have to see how much it retrogrades back to the north later today or if it hangs out once forward motion slows. Models keep Sfc to 850 winds 15 to 20kts until after 00z bit there could be some localized thermal meso high compression along the boundary ... right now I think La Mesa is the target or just south for later , boundary depending.. cleanest inflow .the RAP does show a little northerly boundary return later today.. shear still looks super cell but a lot of the cams generate multicellular to MCS by 01 to 03Z so the window will be short to pick the cleanest cell before they all get swallowed up lol .. but this is my target area today .. inside the box seems to be best potential.. but again that's outflow boundary placement and how much it retrogrades maybe
I think my area panned out, but boy it was under productive. The outflow boundary really pinched off the best dynamics to a pretty small area
I’ll post in Reports when I get a chance, but I repositioned south for the Midland storm once it became clear that cells were struggling in my original target area and the OFB had continued progressing south/southwest. This required an approach through the eastern fringes of the FFD and a nightmare trip through Midland rush hour + storm traffic. Got very similar pictures to @Jason N but, as usual, managed to miss both tornados - the first one just because we were still working our way through the forward flank, the second because of an inexplicably stupid decision to go east instead of south. Great structure though, including LP at the end, some of the best I have seen in recent years.
I’ll post in Reports when I get a chance, but I repositioned south for the Midland storm once it became clear that cells were struggling in my original target area and the OFB had continued progressing south/southwest. This required an approach through the eastern fringes of the FFD and a nightmare trip through Midland rush hour + storm traffic. Got very similar pictures to @Jason N but, as usual, managed to miss both tornados - the first one just because we were still working our way through the forward flank, the second because of an inexplicably stupid decision to go east instead of south. Great structure though, including LP at the end, some of the best I have seen in recent years.
I agree . I came up from the sterling garden city area. Missed the first tornado but got a peek at the second from around the midkiff area and just north. Great structure ..60kft plus tops ..Definitely happy to see it. A good trip overall with the KS and Midland storms .. and for those staying there might be a few isolated opportunities here and there next few days.