2023-10-02 REPORTS: Thundersnow, Lobo Overlook, CO

John Farley

Apr 1, 2004
Pagosa Springs, CO
Can't believe it's only October 2 and I have already had two successful thundersnow chases. And today's, at Colorado's Lobo Overlook, was impressive! This is a short clip showing the two closest flashes of lightning (both 1/4 mile away or less). Eventually I will post a longer video showing the entire progression of the storm, which produced much more thundersnow than shown here. But this was the most intense.

October 2, 2023 thundersnow - Lobo Overlook, Colorado - YouTube
Cool. I'll go check out the vid.
You're so lucky that you get those storms!

Saw some lightning today too (what I'm assuming will be my last of the season :( since summer is over ) . Didn't get any meaningful rain though.
I have now posted a write-up on my observations of this storm, including some photos and links to the video above as well as a more detailed nine-minute video documenting the full cycle of the storm as it moved over the Lobo Overlook. You may view this material at:

You're getting me hooked on thunder snow. I've alway gotten a little "excited" when I hear thunder in the winter, but never deployed a camera before. Hopefully this year, then.