2011-04-27 MISC: AL,TN,MS,KY,OH,IN,WV,GA

Please excuse me if this video has already been posted; it offers a good view of the EF-5 wedge and meso structure as it crosses Sand Mountain near the cities of Rainsville and Henagar, AL around 4:47pm It was taken from the western edge of Lookout Mountain in the town of Mentone, AL. Views of this distance are unusual in such mountainous terrain:


Based on the time given I think that's the Pisgah-Flat Rock-Trenton (GA) EF4. The Rainsville EF5 took a path parallel and a little south, a few hours later.
No meteorological significance but interesting that you can still see the scar of the Tuscaloosa tornado on google maps


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This is what always floors me about major severe weather outbreaks. The same thing was true of the Super Outbreak, and probably of other known major severe weather outbreaks (I only know this fact about the Super Outbreak due to this paper). It's sort of frightening to realize that such a major severe weather event can be spawned from a seemingly innocent looking synoptic setup. Granted, anyone with experience watching synoptic scale patterns associated with major tornado outbreaks would've been able to recognize the potential this day had when looking at model forecasts a few days out. But really, the same ingredients that were in this event are in many severe weather events, even those that aren't major:
-a moderate amplitude trough aloft with neutral to negative tilt that was propagating east/northeast
-moderately unstable air mass with mid-upper 60s dewpoints in the warm sector and 80-90 F surface temperatures
-Strong low-level and deep layer shear
-Moderate low-level instability
-A surface boundary or synoptic scale lift to trigger storms

Think about it, how often do you see these features with other severe weather setups? Almost each one appears regularly. Yes, the degree of deep layer and low-level shear was on the extreme end of the statistical distribution, but I have seen such high levels of shear and helicity associated with instability and forcing that did not result in a major tornado outbreak in other cases. There are likely a few smaller ingredients that came together to make these storms spin like tops and drop violent tornadoes left and right. These are the ingredients that projects like VORTEX2 are trying to discover.

Let me reiterate: from a synoptic standpoint, there was little about this setup that was unusual, uncommon, or difficult for the atmosphere to achieve.

I have been reading the book "What Stands in a Storm" by Kim Cross and it prompted me to revisit all 29 pages of this thread. I was surprised about the discussion as to whether there was anything unusual about the synoptic environment to yield such an event. Of course I realize there are many events forecast to be outbreaks but do not come to fruition. But I thought this one was known to be an unusually favorable setup, hence the significantly elevated degree of alarm in the forecasts that preceded it? Just wanted to better understand this issue and also see if, now five years later, there is any further clarity about it, including any papers that you guys might recommend, such as analogous to the one on '74 linked to in Jeff's post above.

Jeff I am quoting your post because I know if you see it you'll respond :) But would love to hear from others as well (I saw Rich Thompson had also posted about this).

A couple of asides...

First, sad to see that so many of the links in this thread are broken - goes back to what Dan Robinson and others have recently lamented. Indeed seems like some historical curation has been lost. Sure, there is plenty of documentation of the event in other places, but here it was interesting to go back and experience the immediacy of it, because it was connected to the time of the event and all of the emotion and uncertainty; it was amazing to see the aftermath as viewed through the lens of chasers struggling to make sense of it all as the enormity of the tragedy became clear. But without many of the links this aspect of the event's history is less than it otherwise could be. I am glad to see many of the links are still valid five years later, but will that be the case in another five years, or 10?

Lastly, I am not yet done with the book cited above but it has been a compelling and emotional read. Despite a few meteorological inaccuracies that I could nitpick, the author does a fairly good job of setting up the event in such a way that even as a chaser I could read it without rolling my eyes; she certainly sets up a sense of doom. And then reading about the aftermath is absolutely heartbreaking. Just an unspeakable and unimaginable amount of human suffering, sorrow and loss. Similar in that regard to "F5" by Mark Levine, which I read a few years ago. But the multiple occasions of parents having to identify their children after they were killed near U of A in Tuscaloosa, man that was tough to read, much more so than "F5." You can't have children of your own and not literally be in tears reading parts of this book. I certainly was...
Reading through this for the second time this month makes me wonder where and when this could happen again and if it could be worse. We haven't really seen a tornado outbreak nearly as severe as this since it happened, and lots of areas are definitely long overdue, especially in the Kansas/Nebraska/MO/IA areas, living in these areas (basically the heart of tornado alley) and being 15, I still haven't seen a significant outbreak in my area and I'm wondering if it could happen soon.
Of course it will happen again, given enough time. From the limited good data period we have, it does not seem to be a common event.
We went 37 years between Superoutbreaks 1974 to 2011, but that's only two data points. Since tornado documentation declines
quickly prior to the 1950s, it's hard to really know the real frequency of such large and intense outbreaks. Prior to 1950, there is
evidence of outbreaks on the 1974 and 2011 scale, but on paper they do not look that impressive, at least in terms of the
number of tornadoes in each outbreak. Many violent tornadoes do show up well in this period, but even some of those were very
likely missed. Most focus in those days were on tornadoes that hit populated areas.

If another Superoutbreak occurs say in the next 10 years, that still does not give us any real pattern, nor is it a "sign" of anything.
When dealing with events that only occur once every several decades or more, you need a much longer period of solid, reliable records
to get any real sense of how often these occur. In this case, at least 150 years of good tornado records is likely needed.
Reading through this for the second time this month makes me wonder where and when this could happen again and if it could be worse. We haven't really seen a tornado outbreak nearly as severe as this since it happened, and lots of areas are definitely long overdue, especially in the Kansas/Nebraska/MO/IA areas, living in these areas (basically the heart of tornado alley) and being 15, I still haven't seen a significant outbreak in my area and I'm wondering if it could happen soon.

There are several issues with getting outbreaks of this size W of the Mississippi River. One is that any sort of significant westerly component to the low level winds tends to advect dry air from Mexico rather than the Gulf of Mexico given the geography of the US (4/11/65 occurred with a SW/WSW LLJ, which wouldn't work in the Plains). These bigger events often occur with large scale upper level systems that tend to be going through their mature phases at the times of the outbreak. Often troughs that produce events in the Plains are still in their developmental stages (unless they're already swinging out negatively tilted, in which case their strong forcing for ascent often leads to what I'll elaborate on below).

You also need a rather broad area of moderate large scale ascent and moderate capping present to initiate multiple storms in the warm sector/along confluence axes, keep prior convection to a relative minimum to allow significant destabilization and not initiating too many storms to have a quick transition to linear (which is why more broad cyclonic flow like 4/3/1974 is favored vs highly amplified/sharp configurations). Plains events often only have one or two initiation sources (usually the dryline being one of them). Because of the proximity of the Plains to the EML source region, you often have quite strong capping during the afternoon prior to initiation with Plains events, and thus you need quite strong forcing for ascent to initiate storms. This often leads to storm modes becoming messy after the first few hours (see 5/24/11 or 5/10/10 for prime examples). If you don't have that strong large scale ascent, you'll wind up with only isolated cells or a cap bust.

There aren't many cases I can think of where you had that "sweet spot" of moderate ascent and a moderate cap in the Plains. Ones I can think of right off the bat would be 5/3/1999, 3/13/1990 and perhaps the outbreaks of April 22 and April 27, 1912 for the Southern Plains. For closer to your region, March 23rd, 1913 is probably your benchmark for NE especially. But even these events aren't on the same level as some of the monsters further east like 4/27/2011, 4/3/1974, 4/11/1965 and 3/21/1932.

I guess what I'm saying is, it's not impossible, but it's more unlikely over your region than it may be over the Great Lakes/Ohio Valley/Southeast.
I'm curious, has anyone done a comprehensive storm-by-storm analysis of each supercell in this outbreak and the tornadoes it produced (a bit like the one done for 5/3/99, "Storm A," "Storm B," etc.)? The Wikipedia tornado list is an excellent resource but doesn't break them down by storm:


You have to infer, for example, from the times and locations that the storm that produced the first significant tornado of the afternoon outbreak, an EF3 that began at 1836 UTC (1:36 PM CDT) near Oxford, MS, later produced an EF0 tornado at 1928 UTC in Union County, MS before either dissipating or being absorbed into another storm.