2011-04-27 MISC: AL,TN,MS,KY,OH,IN,WV,GA

NWS Huntsville has added a combined Warning Polygon graphic to their 4/27 report page: 92 tornado warnings, 31 severe thunderstorm warnings, 7 flash flood warnings.

Just another day at the office:

Here's another very close call. I imagine the person who shot this video wouldn't have fared so well if the tornado veered a little bit at the last second.


You know, there are tons of videos of people filming from their front porches as the tornado approaches, only to duck for cover at the last second and to be spared by it changing course or just barely missing their location. I wonder how many people died with video cameras in hand.
You know, there are tons of videos of people filming from their front porches as the tornado approaches, only to duck for cover at the last second and to be spared by it changing course or just barely missing their location. I wonder how many people died with video cameras in hand.

Yeah pretty scary stuff. After watching some of these videos you can sort of get an understanding of what it must be like to see something like that baring down on your home. It must be a pretty mesmerizing experience seeing something like that coming right for where you live.
...by it changing course or just barely missing their location.
An illusion that I see all too often when folks describe tornadoes headed almost directly toward them, as it is all about perspective. The damage path of the Tuscaloosa and other tornado clearly show that for the most part, these tornadoes didn't "change course".
You know, there are tons of videos of people filming from their front porches as the tornado approaches, only to duck for cover at the last second and to be spared by it changing course or just barely missing their location. I wonder how many people died with video cameras in hand.
You know, I was just thinking the same thing a few days ago. It wouldn't surprise me if in the coming weeks or months as the cleanup continues that someone will find a camera or camcorder with an intact memory card that recorded someone's last moments. If you recall, a camcorder on board Columbia was recording during it's final re-entry and was later found on the ground after the shuttle broke up. Despite a brutal fall back to earth, the media (I think it was magnetic tape) still retained some recordings of the re-entry, which stopped before the shuttle broke up. With more camcorders using flash media (with is more durable than tape), I find it highly likely that there's a few cameras and camcorders mixed in with the rubble with intact images or video. Not that I'm looking forward to seeing someone's horrific last moments, but I find it likely that some images exist.
You know, I was just thinking the same thing a few days ago. It wouldn't surprise me if in the coming weeks or months as the cleanup continues that someone will find a camera or camcorder with an intact memory card that recorded someone's last moments. If you recall, a camcorder on board Columbia was recording during it's final re-entry and was later found on the ground after the shuttle broke up. Despite a brutal fall back to earth, the media (I think it was magnetic tape) still retained some recordings of the re-entry, which stopped before the shuttle broke up. With more camcorders using flash media (with is more durable than tape), I find it highly likely that there's a few cameras and camcorders mixed in with the rubble with intact images or video. Not that I'm looking forward to seeing someone's horrific last moments, but I find it likely that some images exist.

I saw an experiment on the durability of various types of data storage devices once, and things like flash drives and sim cards can be baked into batter, cleaned off with highly corrosive liquids, driven over by a truck, frozen, burnt, and still be able to get all the data off of them. Especially if the memory cards are protected by the surrounding camera, I wouldn't doubt there are many that have survived.
Charleston Square Apartments -





After with path:


You can see it went over the lower half of that complex.

I can't figure out where they shot that video. Nothing in the aerial imagery lines up with what shows up in the video. Makes me think either they didn't name the correct location in the vid clip, or the aerial photos are really old, which I doubt. In the video we can see a small building with a bunch of trees immediately behind it to the southwest. The aerial imagery shows no such building with trees immediately southwest of it like what shows up in the video. The video would have had to be shot on the west side of the apartment complex by the orientation of the vehicles and the approach angle of the tornado.
I saw an experiment on the durability of various types of data storage devices once, and things like flash drives and sim cards can be baked into batter, cleaned off with highly corrosive liquids, driven over by a truck, frozen, burnt, and still be able to get all the data off of them. Especially if the memory cards are protected by the surrounding camera, I wouldn't doubt there are many that have survived.

For what it's worth, a news photographer was killed in the collapse of the second World Trade Center tower on 9/11. His gear was basically crushed and exposed to fire, smoke, ash, water, etc. for several weeks before it was recovered. His film cameras were useless, of course, but the memory card in his digital camera survived and yielded its haul of images intact.

I can't figure out where they shot that video. Nothing in the aerial imagery lines up with what shows up in the video. Makes me think either they didn't name the correct location in the vid clip, or the aerial photos are really old, which I doubt. In the video we can see a small building with a bunch of trees immediately behind it to the southwest. The aerial imagery shows no such building with trees immediately southwest of it like what shows up in the video. The video would have had to be shot on the west side of the apartment complex by the orientation of the vehicles and the approach angle of the tornado.

The video was indeed shot on the west side of the building. The first shot is from google maps. The second is a bird's eye view from bing maps showing the approximate location of their apartment. The last is from google street view. The trees are likely along 27th street just east of 10th. The perceived proximity to the building in the foreground is a foreshortening illusion likely caused by having the camera zoomed in a bit. The trees are actually much taller than they look in the video, it's just that they're about 200 yards away.



The video was indeed shot on the west side of the building. The first shot is from google maps. The second is a bird's eye view from bing maps showing the approximate location of their apartment. The last is from google street view. The trees are likely along 27th street just east of 10th. The perceived proximity to the building in the foreground is a foreshortening illusion likely caused by having the camera zoomed in a bit. The trees are actually much taller than they look in the video, it's just that they're about 200 yards away.




Ahh, okay. Nice work man! Unfortunately those guys look like they took a direct hit. Hope everyone made it through ok.