I will DEFINITELY be going again this year: I wouldn't miss it for the world!
My first time at the convention was '05, had to skip '06 because my dad was otherwise occupied that weekend and he didn't want me driving to Denver by myself only a month after I got my license
, but Dad and I were able to make it again this year.
This go round, my dad is getting a new job, so depending on his work schedule he may or may not tag along with me again. But I will assuredly be there.
It's only a two hour drive from Fort Morgan to southeast Aurora, so I figure I can leave by 2 p.m. in a likely futile attempt to beat rush hour traffic, come in the back door from the east on I-70 and get down to the hotel by 4 p.m, get checked in and have a couple hours to relax before the festivities kick off at 6 o'clock.
It's been a TOTAL blast both times, and I'm immensely looking forward to '08. This time I'll actually have some chase footage/pictures to bring, so I'm very eager to get to share that with everyone, including some world exclusive photographs! And I'm not kidding about that!
It'll be great to see old friends and meet new ones. What more can I say - this chase geek is
I look forward to seeing y'all there!