2005 Chase Funnies

Dec 8, 2003
Bridge Creek, OK
I know all who have chased should have some chase funnies from the 2005 chase season so I have compiled a little clip of 6/4/05 post chase. I will likely add more because god knows with the group I chase with we make sure there is never a dual moment.

Here is Chad and Shane doing it in the Love Shack.

Will add more later...

For anyone who has any stories, pics, or video of funny chase stuff (not necessarily from 2005) I’m sure everyone would love to see them. I know I would.

Thanks for that Mick - I owe you one.

Let this be an example of why not to drink those "Energy" drinks like No Fear and Monster. They're the only thing that keeps me alert on the drives home, but then I end up grating my teeth and staring at the ceiling unitl 4am.
:lol: That's pretty funny, Shane.. :lol: Fortunately most of my "better" moments were not in the many wandering viewfinders this season! :lol:
Hahaha....oh good times. Maybe I should invest in some of those drinks...I always find myself dead quiet on the drive back...fallin asleep.
I'll bet you were listening to 104.7 KIXR then! There aren't many who play the "Loveshack" in this area. Was there an Old guy doing the weather or a lady with someone watching and attempting to explain the radar he was watching?

You probably didn't hear me very much as I was over in Osage County doing some damage assesment in the McChord area.
Blast from the past.

Ok I just thought of a somewhat funny story.

It was the weekend of June 11th & 12th. I met up with Chad and Shane at Shane's place before the chase on 6/11/05. Well Chad had brought two very nice ladies over as well because they really wanted to go chasing. Well Chad, Shane, Jo, and myself were all picking on each other as we always do when we get around each other. No surprise. No bid deal.

Well one of the ladies asked me why I didn't have long hair like Shane and Chad. Chad brakes in before I could respond to her and says "Debbie (I think that was her name) there is something you should know.†Pause/silence “Mickey is gay". Now natural, I respond by saying that I was not (and I really am not ok) and everyone has his and her laughs at my expense. Jokes are jokes and they come a dim a dozen in this pack four so I blew (not literally) it off.

We leave and do what we do best, chase. Well that night as we started to settle into your hotel room Chad comes in chuckling. I said “What’s so funny?†Chad responds while his little quite chuckle turns into a loud laugh “Dude, Talisa just asked me if you where really gay†And of course Shane had to jump in on it also. I was like, man you did tell her that I’m not. RIGHT?

I mean here we have been chasing for the whole day and these to ladies think I am gay. Talk about a jolt to the manly ego. I was like; damn do I really look or act freak’n gay. Of course those two punks couldn’t quite laughing.

The sad thing is the younger lady was very cute and here she thought for the past 12 hours that I am gay. Not that that really matters because I am happily married, but it’s the fact that a little hotty actually thought I was gay. I mean it’s not like I was prancing around acting like a gay man.

In the end no one was gay and we all lived happily ever after.

So I made a fool of those two with the video above so I figured I would make an ass of myself also.

Even though the video doesn't show it that well, one of the funniest moments of 2005 for me was when I (accidentally) ran over Chad in his own car. That was classic.
Even though the video doesn't show it that well, one of the funniest moments of 2005 for me was when I (accidentally) ran over Chad in his own car. That was classic.

Indeed, and if you really want to see that clip you can go here and get it. :wink: :oops:

More Funny Stuff

Having chased hurricanes and storms for many years, lots of funny expressions and incidences came up that I can remember nearly every chase by. I will share them here on this thread, feel free to laugh!

Note: Drinking, irresponsible behavior, and storm chasing DONT mix. I am only commenting on such in this since they were funny, and usually people un-related to our chas team(s)! I never (and no one ever should) drink and chase!!

Storm Chasing

:lol: May 29, 2004: Nebraska / Kansas. Jeff Gammons, Jason Foster, non-chaser Kersten Mc Clung, and myself. Some quotes below...

Chaser 1: "Fueling 'er up!"

Chaser 2: "Yup ... I'm Fueling 'er up ... High risk today--"

Chaser 1: "--That's Diesel - That's DIESEL!!"

Chaser 2: "Oops!"

:lol: May 30, 2005: Colorado. Jeff Gammons, non-chaser Kersten Mc Clung, and myself. Some quotes below...

Chaser 1: "Snif, Snif ... Puuu, Puuuey! It stinks in here!"

Chaser 2: "Yeah, puu, it does stINK --"

Chaser 3: "--Roll down that $#@! window! NOW!!"

:lol: May 25, 2003: New Mexico. Jeff Gammons, Jason Foster, and myself. Some quotes below...

Chaser 1: "But there is NO ROAD there! We cannot get to the storm!"

Chaser 2: "I need a road, and I need it NOW!"

Chaser 1: "Why won't I just turn off the damn GPS - Screw navigating --"

Chaser 2: "--Don't be losing your @!#$ temper with me - sir!!"

Chaser 3: "A science expedition! Just like on the Discovery Channel ... And we have a 'BEEF'!"

:lol: May 25, 2005: New Mexico. Jeff Gammons, non-chaser Kersten Mc Clung, Scott Blair, Scott Eubanks, and myself. Some quotes below...

Chaser 1: "What are you talking about - He was 'trashed' before we even left Farley's restaurant (and pub) in Roswell!"

Chaser 2: "My dog is sick ... Gotta get back to Denton, Texas ... See ya all!"

Park Ranger: "Sorry, the Caverns close at 2 PM." (Tease: A big hole you cant go into)!

Chaser 3: "I was so 'bombed' after Farley's last night ... I called all my ex girlfriends up just ot say 'hi'!"

Chaser 4: "Look at that truck driver ... Oh it's the 'baby eator'!"

Hurricane Chasing

:lol: Hurricane Floyd in 1987: FL Keys. Myself and non-chaser Tony Ihrig. Some quotes below...

Chaser 1: "Wow, we are in the eye - the second half will come soon."

Chaser 2: "Really? So we are gonna bite the donut, ey?"

:lol: Hurricane Erin in 1995: Vero Beach, FL. Myself talking to others in eye. Some quotes below...

Chaser 1: "Wow ... I am seeing stars! I see stars!"

:lol: Hurricane Gordon in 2000: NW Florida. Jeff Gammons and I.

Chaser 1: "Good morning (to clerk in gas station), I will like $10 on pump number one..."

Clerk 1: "Sure ... You are gonna 'pump that gas' out in the rain?"

Clerk 2: "Oh you didn't just say that ... You said 'pump that a--' in the rain?"

:lol: Hurricane Lili in 2002: Louisiana. Jeff Gammons and I.

Chaser 1: "Just stop - Stop!!"

Chaser 2: "Don't yell at me!"

:lol: Hurricane Charley in 2004: Punta Gorda, FL. Jeff Gammons, Jim Edds, Doug Kiesling, Jason Foster, Mark Rackley, and myself. Some quotes below...

Chaser 1: "Woah, look at him, he's got his windows all KICKED-UP, and ready to rock - wassup dog? A buck forty-five man!" (145 MPH)

Chaser 2: "I'm hiding in the car - there's projectiles EVERYWHERE!"

Chaser 3: "Ha ha ha, I think my truck is coming apart!"

Chaser 4: "Oh my god, that will scare anyone." ... "This town is coming apart!" ... "Our father, who art in heaven, ..."

Chaser 5: "God help this place, God help everyone!"

Chaser 6: "God, this is like chasing a super typhoon in Asia or the Pacific!"

Pub Owner 1: "Hey, wer'e open - DRINK!" ... "Your house is gone bro, might as well have a drink!" ... "Hey buddy, your roof's gone, have a beer." ... "Solves the problems with the booze!"

:lol: Hurricane Frances in 2004: Fort Pierce, FL. Jeff Gammons, Jim Edds, Doug Kiesling, Jason Foster, Mark Rackley, and myself. Some quotes below...

Chaser 1: "Not now, because I am really, really, really #@$! tired right now ... We should have gone do Disney!"

Chaser 2: "Hey guys, you want some vodka, man, warm-up your belly a bit?" ... "You sure, I'm offering it. It'll warm yer tummy up!"

Chaser 3: "Oh, dude, look at him over there, he's yackin' all over his new camera!"

Chaser 4: "Hey guys, He's got some vodka ... To warm-up your 'gag reflex' a bit!"

Chaser 5: "Heeeelllpp ... I am stuck in my truck in 110 MPH winds!"

:lol: Hurricane Ivan in 2004: Mobile AL + FL Panhandle. Jim Edds, Doug Kiesling, and myself. Some quotes below...

Chaser 1: "My cellular is not working ... Damn - Network not available - Again!!"

Chaser 2: "Hey - WE ARE IN A HURRICANE - What do you expect!!"

:lol: Hurricane Jeanne in 2004: Fort Pierce, FL. Jeff Gammons, Jim Edds, Doug Kiesling, Jason Foster, and myself. Some quotes below...

Chaser 1: "Hey I just left a 'present' for you, right on top of the sand bags!"

Chaser 2: "Yup, when you gotta go, you gotta go!"

:lol: Hurricane Dennis in 2005: Pensacola, FL. Jeff Gammons, Jim Edds, and myself. Some quotes below...

Chaser 1: "Oh, man! Who locked my door?" (locked out of his car)

Chaser 2: "I'm the smallest, I will climb in through the trunk!"

Chaser 3: "OK, I will pop the lock for you!"

Note: All this is besides the fact that on just about every other chase, low pressure causes gas to be passed as well. So be careful before chasing a hurricane, avoid cheap beer from a gas station, and don't eat gas-forming foods (such as broccholi, corn, and don't eat stinking beans either)!

STINK-UP-YER-RIDE: "Man ... I am gonna pig out at that steakhouse! I want lots of beans, chili, corn ... A juicy steak, and some "steel reserve" (cheap beer) from Texas, to wash it all down..."