2/4/2011: Southern Plains and Deep South

Hi guys, new to forum was a long-time resident of Tulsa, I remember the hill on i think 81st and Yale, cars always getting stuck there, with just a few inches, cant image with over a foot. Looks like the main thrust of the energy is pulling away, giving you guys a small break, before another 1, 2 punch.
I like surprises... one family member commented it was like back when they were kids and you wake up and peek outside and everything would be white. I got up about 3:30 yesterday morning cause I noticed the precip in central TX Thursday night (that wasn't supposed to be there) headed our way... already had over an inch by that time and it snowed till about lunch yesterday. With less than an inch forecast for my area, 5 inches was a real surprise.

This is the first time I can remember two good snows in a year. And this is one of the few times if not the first time I've seen it snow with temps in the low and mid twenties. It's really stayed on the roads in some areas causing lots of cars to go into the ditch. people aren't used to that and in places last night it developed a hard slick surface. In one spot, I just let off on the gas and my back end started to go around. That is scary slick. Very cold next week as well with possible more winter precip. So much for the warmer and dryer winter.
Just looking at my Smartmodel, looks like a shot of wintry precip for the TXK area then ending as a bit of snow on the 7th. Then tracking the bigger system a +2 days later..