Much the same. The closest I saw to tornado'ing was near Johnston KS. It had decent structure leading up to that point, then it was extremely tilted and elongated, and becoming free of precip for the most part. At this point another plume rocketed up at the southern end of the storm. This was soon followed by a v shaped funnel that lasted for a while. I was pretty much infront of it as this happened. It was nice to at least think something cool was about to happen.
It then weakened for a bit. I stuck with it up to Solomon where I encountered a decent mini hail storm. While watching it approach I noted the east to west rfd cut coming around the front of the storm. I thought maybe, then thought eh maybe not, all these little turds had probably been doing that. Wanting to beat the snow home and wanting to check out the stuff s of Manhatten on the way, I decide to blow it off and jump on I70. Just as soon as I get east bound I look back and see a little nub. Then I look back and it is gone. Then I look back and it has all sorts of lowerings going around. I was like @#$#@$ yay I'm eastbound leaving it. I was just under the stupid thing. I get off at Abilene and think of going north and watching it way to the west now. Then I think, maybe I should blow it off and keep going east to check on the others. Then, between hills and trees, it looks as though it's in progress of putting one down....then it didn't. I say screw it then go east again. Then I get a call saying it is corkscrewing really good now. So I stop at the next exit and race all the way back to Solomon, then north, then west, to catch it not doing so well. I thought for sure when I looked back those few times that I was going to miss a great tornado. That would have been pretty hard to take.
Anyway, I try to beat the snow and lose. Cars are going off the road as I near Lincoln. It was thunder sleeting, and making a quick mess of sections of 77. Then it'd be fine, then another area would be a mess. I get into Lincoln and monster flakes are coming down, with thunder. So, beings my car SUCKS in the snow(Mustang that needs new tires), I end up getting a room here in Lincoln, oh so close to home.