2/17-2/18 Winter "Storm" report

Nov 28, 2005
Overland Park KS
Just a dusting of snow here in the KC Metro late Friday night...the heavier stuff looked like it stayed in Oklahoma. Have not seen any word of an accumulation down that way. It looked like some sleet may have been mixed at the onset of the wintry precip. so this probably held down the totals some.
Here in Southern OK the accumulation is about 1/8"+ mainly of sleet and freezing rain so far. Enough to make the roads extremely slick and hazardous.
Any early morning driving should be interesting, especially on side streets.
In Norman, we got about 1/8-1/4" freezing rain, and about 1/2-3/4" sleet + snow. The sidewalks aren't too bad since ground temps have been warm, but I just spent 30 minutes helping my fiance de-ice her car enough for her to drive safely to work. Getting inside was enough of a trip (doors solidly frozen shut), and the ice scraping breaking didn't help either... The snow actually helping a little since it adds a little more traction relative to glaze ice from the frza.
I am in Shawnee, Oklahoma, about 35 miles east of OK City. We had sleet last night about a 1/4 inch and have about an inch of snow on top of the ice. A couple of pics from outside the house. Too cold to go much further than the front porch.


I'm pretty sure my eyeballs partially froze this morning. 8) Jeez its cold. Still 8 below at 11 AM and I'm only 10 miles from Lake Michigan.