12/6/04 FCST: Mississippi valley/OK/TX

Well, I am sitting here in the DFW Airport waiting to board my flight to Austin. Here on business.

Right now DFW is under a Svr threat and all flights have been halted and delayed at least one hour. They actually cleared people off of the boarding ramps. Watching numerous CGs out the window of terminal C. Announcer just came on and reported 11 lightning strikes within the last few minutes within a few miles of the tower. Should be a fun flight to Austin! :roll:
Rather intense bow echo heading into Eastern Ellis and all of Kaufman Counties in Texas to the southeast of DFW. Still a lot of gnrl tstm activity over Dallas County. Lots of warnings up now in E OK with activity really firing up in the past 15 minutes.

Looks like despite shallow stable layer...some severe gusts are managing to make it to the surface.