11/23/10 DISC: CA

I just reviewed the reflectivity and velocity data from that time period and nothing screamed "supercellular". It looked like the storm formed on a boundary. Most of the sites to the north had northerly winds and sites to the south, southerly. Barring the possibility of a min-supe, I'd say it was a non-supercell tornado. Here is a pic from a local news site:


There is another photo of a tornado in a slide show here:


... but it doesn't look to be of the same event.


I saw the photo you mentioned and believed the same to be true; it just didn't look like it could be from the same event. 3 days after it was reported I went out to the site and surveyed for myself. The photo I took was as close as I could get to where the original was taken; note the same trailers behind the building. Based on where the shot was taken, in relation to where the damage took place, I can say with certainty that the original picture is legit.


  • Location where tornado picture was taken.jpg
    Location where tornado picture was taken.jpg
    13.2 KB · Views: 17
One Other Photo - EDH, CA 11/23/10

For those who are curious (or simply bored), here is one other photo that I found in our local newspaper, Village Life. This is looking south on Latrobe Road, between Investment Blvd. and Dunlap Ranch Rd.; construction office buildings are behind the hill in the photo.


  • Tornado1-300x264 villlifedvcphoto.jpg
    Tornado1-300x264 villlifedvcphoto.jpg
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