1,500 mph Winds On Neptune-Chase THAT!!

Jul 5, 2004
New Jersey
Neptune has the most violent weather in the solar system. Winds there are clocked at 1,250 mph. While Neptune's Great Dark Spot was in existence, one of the Voyager probes found winds in the spot at 1,500 mph-the highest wind speed found on any planet in our solar system. That's twice the speed of sound.

Now, how would you folks like chasing THAT???

:p :twisted:
Chasing anything that doesn't occur on earth doesn't exactly fill me with enthusiasm......more boredom, actually.

Originally posted by Karen Rhoden
Chasing anything that doesn't occur on earth doesn't exactly fill me with enthusiasm......more boredom, actually.



If you don't find a 300 mph F5 twister boring, why would you find a wind twice the speed the sound boring? Just because you couldn't be right there to measure it??

That's some odd logic.
It seems like we go over this every year. Yes, Neptune may have 1500 mph winds but the extremely low density of air would make that 1500 mph wind feel like a mere puff. Yes, the air particles are travelling that fast, but there aren't that many of them.

If you are interested in doing a comparison use this Excel Spreadsheet generated by the Mount Washington Observatory: http://www.easternlight.net/Wind.xls

Just plug in pressure, wind speed, and temperature and you can compare the force for several sites.
Originally posted by Saul Trabal+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Saul Trabal)</div>
<!--QuoteBegin-Karen Rhoden
Chasing anything that doesn't occur on earth doesn't exactly fill me with enthusiasm......more boredom, actually.



If you don't find a 300 mph F5 twister boring, why would you find a wind twice the speed the sound boring? Just because you couldn't be right there to measure it??

That's some odd logic.[/b]

Err.....no. I find it boring because it doesn't occur on the planet that we humans inhabit. Ergo - I will never chase it. Ergo - so what? :roll:

Also - if you want to get technical - the "winds" on that planet apparently don't manifest themselves in the form of a tornado - merely winds. I am sure that if all earth's tornado wind-speeds occurred as straight-line gusts, there wouldn't be half the chasers out there! :wink: We're visual creatures.......

Just a bit of fun..... :p

Originally posted by Karen Rhoden+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Karen Rhoden)</div>
Originally posted by Saul Trabal@
<!--QuoteBegin-Karen Rhoden

Chasing anything that doesn't occur on earth doesn't exactly fill me with enthusiasm......more boredom, actually.



If you don't find a 300 mph F5 twister boring, why would you find a wind twice the speed the sound boring? Just because you couldn't be right there to measure it??

That's some odd logic.

Err.....no. I find it boring because it doesn't occur on the planet that we humans inhabit. Ergo - I will never chase it. Ergo - so what? :roll:

Also - if you want to get technical - the "winds" on that planet apparently don't manifest themselves in the form of a tornado - merely winds. I am sure that if all earth's tornado wind-speeds occurred as straight-line gusts, there wouldn't be half the chasers out there! :wink: We're visual creatures.......

Just a bit of fun..... :p


Well, then I'll have to agree to disagree with you in the strongest of terms. :p

I don't take anything away from Earth's storms-which are awesome and frightening in their own right. But I'm not going to dismiss another planet's meteorology because "I can't be there." :roll:

Originally posted by Saul Trabal
I don't take anything away from Earth's storms-which are awesome and frightening in their own right. But I'm not going to dismiss another planet's meteorology because \"I can't be there.\" :roll:


I'd have to agree with you there - I find all sorts of meteorology fascinating, as well as astronomy. I am probably one who is in the small minority of liking high winds... For that reason, I like to chase severe thunderstorms - not JUST tornadoes. Also, chasing hurricanes is something that interests me greatly, and something I wish I could do. I always hate when people say they "busted" a chase because they didn't see a tornado - yet they may have witnessed some incredible other forms of meteorology.

Then I also agree with Karen... It really is a bit more exciting if you're there, experiencing it first hand.
I can understand where people are coming from when they get excited about thousand-mph wind gusts on some alien planet. But - for the sake of being pedantic and extrememly annoying.......does the term meteorology actually encompass the study of other alien planets' atmospheric conditions???

Perhaps someone needs to coin a phrase for other-wordly weather. And then post about it, on AstronomyTrack - the astral traveller's resource since space exploration began. :lol:

