As I mentioned earlier, the timing appeared to be flip-flopping a bit - now it appears to the best setup will be on Sunday...
Height falls are pretty strong with this setup... Wind fields are strong through the layer, and with good moisture pooling, instability gets up over 3000J/KG pretty easily. Shear is pretty impressive, and it will likely lead to severe thunderstorms / supercells. As for a strong squall line to develop, we have moisture pooling and high theta-e, intense height falls, pretty good wind fields, strong instability, etc., so we shall see...
Target: Southwest MN/northeast NE (LOL way too early to pin it down anyways)
Height falls are pretty strong with this setup... Wind fields are strong through the layer, and with good moisture pooling, instability gets up over 3000J/KG pretty easily. Shear is pretty impressive, and it will likely lead to severe thunderstorms / supercells. As for a strong squall line to develop, we have moisture pooling and high theta-e, intense height falls, pretty good wind fields, strong instability, etc., so we shall see...
Target: Southwest MN/northeast NE (LOL way too early to pin it down anyways)