05/18/04 NOW KS

Dec 18, 2003
Lubbock, TX
Sitting here in Wichita KS wishing for the cap to break. Had a really cool thing just happen overhead. A cell tried to go up and immediately started to rotate and pull in a huge inflow band from the SE. Here are a couple of pics:

First one took looking NW and the inflow band pic took looking east almost overhead. Pics taken 5 min ago.

[Broken External Image]:http://www.wx5tvs.com/chasephotos/2004/2004pics/051804WichitaKS/convection1.jpg

[Broken External Image]:http://www.wx5tvs.com/chasephotos/2004/2004pics/051804WichitaKS/convection2.jpg
Sorry to double-post ... didn't see this thread till after I had already posted in the other ...

Believe it or not I actually have a report from yesterday ... it was a nice chase (but a bust for all intents and purposes - still no tornado), starting to get frustrating - this is the longest I've gone now in five years without seeing a tornado on the ground ... managed to get my first CG tonight with a new camera ... would settle for getting a decent lightning storm at this point ... this season is starting to wear me out. Now just watch me not be able to get off work this afternoon -

In the meantime, just a few pics of a storm I followed from Ottawa, KS to Olathe last night - had a very nice shelf - probably about fifteen to twenty miles long - my wide angle lens is on its way back from Canon, and I really needed it -


All the best to everyone out today - hopefully this won't squall out -

Mike P.