Interesting landspout event in SW KS. I was on radar and had the luxury of decision making.. the first reports received were with no warning in effect northeast of LBL. It made perfect sense given the fine line and boundary relative storm motion in an environment with dry adiabatic lapse rates to nearly 2.5km AGL. SPC mesoanalysis graphic of 3km CAPE and surface vorticicity proved to be very valuable in highligting this enhanced area of landspout potential.
The next TOR event in western Gray we got a TOR out just before the first report came in, so like less than a minute lead time. This time, it was a little closer to the 88D, and with 8bit high resolution velocity data, was able to track a persistent "kink" on the boundary directly beneath the 50 dbz core that only extended to about 25,000 ft and that's all. It was enuf, however, to stretch the pre-existing vorticity into a tornado scale vortex... In essence, not surprised at all about what happened, just a little bit with location, though!
Some of the landspouts were >10 min duration events, and we had report of some damage in the Kismet-Hayne area of seward county w/ power lines down and roof off a home... preliminary info though..
Mike U