01/16/2006 FCST: North Texas

Sounds like a cow peeing on a flat rock outside, but the Vantage Pro says otherwise. It may be just me not used to the sound of falling rain. :wink:
DP is falling from a high of 66 to the current 56/57. Sporadic light show to our far north. Temps now in the low 60s. Not much of a weather day, but nice to hear and feel the rain. Hope it doesn't stay away so long next time. FROPA on the way. 8)

Wish I could have had enough of a carrot dangled to go chase. Would have been cheaper than going into Houston and shopping the gourmet food stores and spending a ton of moolah. But dinner tonight (and tomorrow) is gonna rock!
Originally posted by Carrie Halliday
Sounds like a cow peeing on a flat rock outside, but the Vantage Pro says otherwise. It may be just me not used to the sound of falling rain. :wink:
DP is falling from a high of 66 to the current 56/57. Sporadic light show to our far north. Temps now in the low 60s. Not much of a weather day, but nice to hear and feel the rain. Hope it doesn't stay away so long next time. FROPA on the way. 8)

Wish I could have had enough of a carrot dangled to go chase. Would have been cheaper than going into Houston and shopping the gourmet food stores and spending a ton of moolah. But dinner tonight (and tomorrow) is gonna rock!

Ended up just getting some occasional light rain and sprinkles here. Probably not enough to really help the grass or garden. Running the sprinklers to make up for it. Enjoy your dinner!
Not much over here (West Houston), 0.24'' in the gauge at this time. The strongest storms developed just to the east of my house, directly over metro Houston where Harris county rain gauges are reporting anywhere from 1.61-3.31 inches of rain inside loop 610.

Main line now moving well east of Houston and weakening substantially as it moves off the coast and toward LA.

Can't believe that the storms missed my location by about 3 miles! lol.