John Hudson
OK, gang, let's dust off some of those old files (or negatives) and dig out your very first lightning shot, no matter how grainy, unrefined or amateurish it might be (weren't we all there once?).
Don't forget to mention a brief description of the circumstances, the kind of camera you used and what prompted you to go out and start shooting.
I'll get us started. It was late August 2005, and I'd just purchased my first digital camera, a point-and-shoot Canon A-40, I believe it was 4 meg. Humble beginnings, to say the least.
We had a nice lightning storm ongoing outside, but the rain had quit so I went to a park just a few blocks away and set up my tripod. I took around ten exposures before I captured the one you see below. I felt so lucky to get 3 cg's in the same shot!
Today, I'm totally addicted to the beauty of the bolt.
Don't forget to mention a brief description of the circumstances, the kind of camera you used and what prompted you to go out and start shooting.
I'll get us started. It was late August 2005, and I'd just purchased my first digital camera, a point-and-shoot Canon A-40, I believe it was 4 meg. Humble beginnings, to say the least.
We had a nice lightning storm ongoing outside, but the rain had quit so I went to a park just a few blocks away and set up my tripod. I took around ten exposures before I captured the one you see below. I felt so lucky to get 3 cg's in the same shot!
Today, I'm totally addicted to the beauty of the bolt.