My archiving convention is fairly simple. I have two main archive categories, one for "storm photos" and another for "everything else".
For the 'everything archive', I have a folder for each year, then four folders inside each for the four quarters of the year. Then, each memory card offload gets its own folder and is placed in one of the quarterly folders.
I use a naming convention of "month/day-subject" for each offload folder. So, if I go shoot two cards worth of images in the mountains, the folders are "oct14-wvmountains1" and "oct14-wvmountains2". This has been pretty simple to browse by subject (I use the thumbnail viewer on my old Paint Shop Pro software, which is fast and lightweight).
The storm archive is the same, except there are far fewer folders - so I don't subdivide the yearly archives into quarters.
I don't rename individual photo files, instead I use the camera-generated number as my catalog number. I then use these numbers in my stock photo roster, which is a catalog of only the best images (which right now is only at 327). I add a letter prefix to the reference number so that when the camera rolls over 10,000, I just go to the next letter (a, b, c, etc).
I keep a second copy of my best images in a separate folder to make them easier to find when I get a stock photo order, and to prevent them from being accidentally deleted if I ever do decide to 'clean house' in the main archives. If I ever need to find an image, I just use the reference number from my stock photo roster and do a simple file search for the camera-generated number.