Your Current Snow & Snow Drift Totals

May 17, 2006
From what I hear, Its not very often that Southeast Idaho Valley Locations receive as much snow as we have received this 2007-2008 Winter Season. With an average of around 3 inches per storm and up to 6 inches per every 3rd storm the snow is piling up and the drifts are increasing in size. One county that I know of has Declared a Disaster due to snow caving in roofs and causing additional problems. In My area "snow alerts" have been issued Indefinetely, what this does is issue times for roads when plows are expected and if cars are on the roads on the day Plowing is issued the cars will be towed.

Thus far my Snow total Without a drift is 2 feet. With snow drifts the totals range from 3 feet to 6 feet. There have already been several "No Mail" days due to Mailboxes being blocked in by snow. The scene here is amazing and I will be uploading photos as I take them starting tommorow.

Whats everyones current Snow and Snow Drift totals so far this season? Is this year More active then your last few years, snow wise?

Pictures coming ASAP....

This winter is shaping up to be one of the snowiest I've seen around here in several years. We're on pace to have a top 5 snowiest season. We've had about 48" so far. Usually we're only at about 23" by now.

I think the deepest snow so far has been 13", which was yesterday. That has since settled back to 11". Drifts vary. Out in the open country I'm sure some of those drifts top 5'. Hard to tell.

I love snow and everything, but I think I've had about enough at this point. I can't wait till all this crap melts and the warm spring breezes blow in!

48.2" so far this snow season. This is already more than every snow season since '96/'97 except for the 53.5" in '04/'05, and there are 2+ months of potential snow to go yet. The snow season started out slowly with not a flake in October and a paltry 1.2" in November. December and January both had 20+", and a little over 4" has fallen in February so far. No more arctic blasts and significant snowfalls please.
Season Snowfall Totals:
I live in Lansing, Michigan.
Season Snowfall: 49.5 inches
8 inches on the ground.

My hometown of Grand Rapids, Michigan
Season Snowfall: 73.4 inches
8 inches on the ground

In other news:
Been off work since January 1, on medical leave, bad hammer toes,
and bunions, and lifting heavy items. Resulted in a ulcerated, infected
blister on the bottom of my foot.

Incoming artic blast this weekend, although it won't be as long. Typical -15 below, 10 high is forecasted. Wohoo!
Also to stick to topic: there was about two feet of drifts on my house before last week. After the big meltoff and new snow, it's to one and a half feet.
We've had quite a few 1-2" snows but still probably have not reached a foot yet here on the southwest side of KC. Further north at KCI Airport ...there has been 18.3" so far. Still believe our biggest one is yet to nail us.
Looks like some of you have had a very white Winter. Today was hell in my Part of town. Took the highway 15 miles for a dinner and the roads were near zero visibility as far as being able to see the road and road lines along with thick ice to around 1 inch. On My 15 mile drive I counted 4 slideoffs, 1 was most likely trauma related. Then my trip home was even worse and counted over 7 slideoffs and I hope the truck I saw on its side's passengers were okay. The rest of the cars that slid off the highway just slid into the meridian where there is about 2+ feet of snow and then others slideoff to the right of the slow lane. There were also alot of Road closures from the highway into town from snow drifts taking over the road. A particular road I travel when I exit the highway to my house was soo drifted over that it basically became a 1 way road. All the drifts are increasing in size here with winds from 20-25 with gusts to 33+mph still occuring. I didnt get a chance to take photos today but will tommorow as I have no plans.

stay warm & safe out there...

Well, with the 2.2" of snow (and counting) we've received today, we've now topped the 50" mark for the season! Man, this is one hell of a winter. Our normal for a whole winter is right around 35".

Looks like another 2-4" will come down tonight. More snow is in the forecast for later in the week and early next week as well.

With at least another month of potential snow systems, I'm wondering just what the final total will end up being...
Good morning from up here in northern Maine!!

We have received 123.4 inches so far this winter and currently have 42 inches of snow on the ground.
After today's 4.9", the seasonal total is 56.1" Snow depth of 14"-15" is on the high end of historical data. The shovelled, snow-blowed, and plowed piles of snow are getting ridiculously high, with no place for the continuing new snows to go.
Grand Rapids, Michigan as of 02/18/2007
Season Snowfall: 87.7 inches, another snowfall
season that is above normal.

Lansing, Michigan
Season Snowfall: 54.8 inches

Got 2.8" of snow very early this morning, bringing the total to over 54" for the season now. Snowdepth back up to 9". The bottom 7" is very crusty snow due to the 1.3"+ rain we received sunday.

Since December 1st there's only been a few short days where there's been less than a few inches of snow on the ground. I've never seen a winter with snow (most of the time quite deep) on the ground so much. Usually we'll see pattern changes that'll bring rain and warmer temps for a week or two several times a winter. This year any time it warmed up, it'd be immediately followed by a snowstorm and arctic air.

Hard to believe we'll be mowing in less than two months! Man, what a winter!