XM WxWorx Receiver and Mobile Threat Net $400 O.B.O.

Andy Elliott

Fellow chasers,

Due to recent financial and life changes, my storm chasing days are now few and far between. As a result, I have decided to sell my XM WxWorx Receiver and software. I have been using this product for the past 3+ seasons, and I have absolutely no complaints about its performance.

The following is a list of what I am including in this package:

1. An "older" style XM WxWorx receiver. Uses USB connectivity, still works perfectly.

2. A standard magnetic antenna with a 25 foot cord.

3. A 12V DC power cord

4. A heavy duty USB A-USB B cable

5. A copy of Mobile Threat Net 1.18 on CD. My master copy was damaged during a move, but I will provide you with a backup copy I made.

6. A CD that has files that I downloaded to upgrade to versions 1.33, 1.35, 1.37, and 1.39. Future upgrades are free from Baron, so you will be able to get the most recent upgrade patches as soon as they are released (1.39 is the most recent version).

In order to use this product, you must activate it with XM. There is a one-time $50-$100 activation fee (depending on what package you choose) along with a monthly charge of $30-$100.

Cost for this setup is $400 shipped, OBO. I will be posting pics soon.

If you are interested, PM me, or send me an email at [email protected]. I would prefer to use Paypal, but I will consider other options. Thanks!
Sorry folks, finally remembered to do this.

If you don't need the money, I'd wait until before next season when everyone is just starting to gear up for the season. I'd go $200, but strictly to resale myself...hence why I won't go the $300. Ebay was a good idea...good chance of selling there....even if only one or two bids come in.