The latest version 3.5575 has been uploaded to the URL below as "wX.apk". The next oldest version has been renamed to include the version number and place in the "OLD" folder:
Android 4.2 or later is required.
- SPC convective outlook now has a subtitle added for the valid time of the chosen outlook.
- The observations activity from the main sub-menu now does not zoom in as far on double tap. If the hi-res US fronts image is chosen the zoom value is enlarged since the image is so big.
- In the images tab the sectors that don't have radar offered ( such as south pacific ) now use a default of vis instead of ir.
- In the images tab the dropdown menu at top has been removed for consistency across tabs ( of only tiled images ) and the COD images activities now save the last type ( vis,rad,ir,wv ) of image viewed and that is used on next start of that activity.
- On the MISC tab the Forecast maps and QPF dropdowns have been removed and replaced with a dedicated activity accessible from the bottom row, left-most icon. The state twitter search has been moved to the middle and weather underground twitter widget has been removed as it was no longer adding much content and in general I'm trying to stick with .gov or .edu content. Forecast map/QPF activity also saves last viewed image and shows the same on next start of the activity.
- In an effort to more closely match the next generation toast ( toast is the pop-up such as when activating help mode ) the toast style has changed. The background color now matches the toolbar color ( if on Android 5.0 or later ), text color is white, edges are no longer rounded, and they appear at the bottom instead of center of screen.
- New option "Translate abbreviations" which can be used in most text product activities to translate from the pool of stored abbreviations used in the text to speach functionality. Experimental for now.
- Decreased state border line width for canvas from 2 units to 1 used in activities such as NWS mosaic, IOWA/COD nexrad, and WX radar as shown on main screen if configured.
- Legacy nexrad radar products ( Iowa, COD, WX ) now have radar settings access in their submenu like WXOGL now has.
- Legacy nexrad radar products ( Iowa, WX ) are not zoomed in on start as double tap zooms out initially instead of expected zoom in.
- Bugfix: if warning data is configured to not show up in the tab heading MISC but it is configured to show up in nexrad radar data will not continuously update.
Please let me know if you have any issues or suggestions on this new functionality.
FYI - I'll be on vacation next week so there will be no release on 7/3.