Windows7 and Firewire troubles

Well I didn't install the onboard sound drivers since I had it disabled in BIOS. IEEE and onboard sound are separate in BIOS.

I went ahead and did it anyway, but it did nothing for the firewire.

I've ordered a separate firewire card from newegg. Hopefully that will give me a working firewire port. Seems to be the only real solution most people on the net have come up with for the 64 bit firewire problem.
Well I dug into the vista source code and found out what the problem was:
You and your source code humor Dave! :)

With your sense of humor you should subscribe to Maximum PC. It's a computer magazine that I believe you would find really funny. They have a unique sense of humor that only a computer guy can understand. I find myself laughing every month as soon as I crack open the front cover.

Here's a website that might help with the purchase you are pondering:

I've been thinking about the problems you've been having off and on for 4 days and it's driving me nuts. I can only imagine what you must be going through.
Well moving back to Vista Ultimate 64x, I've had ZERO blue screens and the only issue is the firewire. My new firewire card should be here in a day or two, and hopefully that will cure the final issue. I guess I'll wait til 7 comes out with SP1 and try it again then.

I may have been a little snarky in some of my replies, I apologize and appreciate the help attempts. That was just my frustration showing through. I really wanted 7 64x to work!
Hi David,
You wouldnt be using a Canon camcorder would you? I have done some reading and it seems that canon havent released any w7 drivers for alot of their camcorders. They are working with microsoft now to get some drivers out there!
Well right after I posted that, the new $13 firewire card I ordered from New Egg arrived. Popped it in, Vista set it up automatically and it recognized my cameras immediately!

Evidently the one on the mobo doesn't like 64bit I guess.
Anyone had a problem with Windows 7 and importing HD video? I've got a firewire port and the computer recognizes the camcorder fine, though it only recognizes it in importing 480i and not any HD formats, it's not the software as I've tried importing with both Windows MM and Sony Vegas...I imported HD from the camcorder/same tapes with the same programs on Vista just fine...I've ran circles around the Windows help forums looking for an answer without any ado...
I haven't read this whole thread but I've built a lot of systems including install of 64 bit Vista. If you are using the 64 bit OS then you need the 64 bit device drivers from your manufacturer of the motherboard. They should have them on their site and if you have a 64 bit Vista you upgraded from they also may have them on one of the cd's that came with your computer. Typically Vista and Win 7 drivers are the same as long as same bit. Good luck!