Who Originally Took This Somewhat Famous Photo?

The third one down, a photograph from the famous Laverne, OK event, was photoshoped by another photographer who shared the digital use rights from a previous agent. By contract, they are supposed to title the image as "manipulated." Thanks for pointing that out to me.


Yeah it was obviously shopped but it has invaded the web, Google "Tornado lightning rainbow" It is all over. I had to fix the link as it disappeared from the one I posted.
I have a Nat Geo mousepad with that photo on it. When i saw the photoshopped version with the oil rig I like" What the F*** is this???" I hate it when someone else ruins a beautiful photo and claims it as theirs.

I also have the mousepad of this picture! What one amazing shot this guy got!
Great shot, but the original has an oil rig in it.

Just kidding! I remember seeing the original photo in National Geographic (minus the oil rig) back in the early 90s and being absolutely stunned. Talk about serendipity.
Speaking of famous images, there is film of a tornado that is pure black against a light background. The tornado is over a field and the film looks like it is from the 1950's or the 1960's. I would love to get a copy of that film sequence
Since others have correctly identified the photo, I want to point out the "oil rig" on the right side is the lights from a radio transmission tower. :D

They are talking about a manipulated version of the photo with a huge oil rig photoshoped in on the left side.

See here:


Further down on the page someone has photoshoped in Godzilla chewing on an Islamic terrorist, haha.
