Who has Weather Blogs?

I’ve replaced my old website with a Blog type layout and like it much better. My gallery, forecast, and RSS feeds are all working, now I just need to transfer all my old post to the new format. Anyway here it is.

You will find mainly forecasting and chase reports on this blog but I somehow manage to find time to blog on "Steve's Musings" and "Steve's Pics", both of which are linked on the right-hand side of my chasing blog.
A "Blog" isn't something that I've felt I really need so far. I guess I don't ever get into new-fangled things that quickly - it took me long enough to get my website up, after all.

So - I never saw the need for a Blog when I can simply re-upload and maintain my simple yearly News page. My "news" page can be found here:

Stormskies 2005 News.

So - there it is in all its glory. LOL.

I don't really have a "blog" per say but I do have a chase account AV Blog if you want to call it that. I hate writing so I try to wrap all of my chases/thoughts into a video or audio file. It is just easier for me to create short video clips.

I only have 10/30/05 and 10/19/05 up now, which I will be redoing, and I will be working on previous chase AVBs in December when life starts to slow down for a few weeks.

Chase related

Humorous Clips

Here is my new weather blog. Keep checking for updates, especially when spring arrives!

My blog isn't entirely for weather...but it mostly is. I'll try to post links to news articles, NWS surveys, and chase reports for each significant tornado event of the year. My definition of a "significant" tornado is a little bit looser that Grazulis', it would be any F2+, a tornado that causes 1 or more fatalities or 2 or more injuries requiring hospitalization, or a tornado that is noteworthy from a meteorological standpoint based on the conditions it formed under.

Originally posted by David Drummond
We actually have a topic already where you can add your blog.

What happened to this thread? - Didn't it used to be a sticky at the top of the forum? I actually enjoyed having it at my fingertips there, just because there are far too many blogs now to add every one to my XML page, but I still like to go through the entire list from time to time just to see if anything new pops up -

It's true that the individual blogs vary from topics off of weather at times, but because of the common interest involved, they are still nice to follow -