Whats your tornado count in your chasing career?

Jul 8, 2004
SW Slovenia, Europe
Hey guys,

I thought this might be an interesting topic, since I am sure everyone is counting how many of tornado you observed in specific day, month or year. I found one similar topic which covered number in a specific year, but I am wondering about numbers in your whole chasing career.
Guess numbers might be different since some people are counting all touchdowns and others counting just one tornado per the same mesocyclone.

Well I am looking for your interesting numbers.
I know this is a wildy-unpopular topic, but I'm a stats guy so I'll play along.

OK just for a good laugh here's my count since 2000

Possibly 1 touch down ... it was at night and there's no way to really confirm the touchdown hehe. But I'm going in the plains this summer for a late season chase, so who knows that number might change ;)

That's my no-doubt-about-it-was-a-tornado count. There are a few more that were classified by chasers as tornadoes, but I didn't count them as I either didn't remember seeing it as a tornado at the time, or its identity was in question.

Still waiting for the ultimate encounter. But at about 5-6 / year where i come from it looks like I will have to wait some more...

I coming to chase Ap 29th to May 11th, how about my odds to get lucky??

I've got no real numbers on this but it would rest somewhere between 100-150 tornadoes...with 1999 being my best year by far for tornadoes observed. I've really grown to like the forecasting aspect of chasing more and more through the years. I just have to keep my patience for later in the spring to save vacation days when we get into the for sure events.
I'm not very competitive-natured so I do not count - it seems pointless to me. Past counting on any particular day (i.e. "I saw five tornadoes today!"), I really have no idea.

My best guess would have to be 150-200
I don't really keep count since sometimes it is hart to do so. and just going by someones count can be misleading. everybody counts in a different ways.
It is easy to keep count of the elephant trunks and wedges, but days like March 28th is a good example of a difficult count day. I saw at least 5 tornadoes. Looking back on the video I could probably make a good argument for around 15 if you count every time it visually dissipates and reforms. I know there are some people who do count that way, and there are others that only count one tornado per meso.
I only keep stats just for my own personal history, seen about 7 since 1998, but most of it was real brief / weak. Hope to see more this year.
2003 to April 2007: Approx 29

My score likely would have been higher by now if 2006 wasn't such a POS year for anything worthwhile in the spring.
Here is a screen-grab from some stats I keep on my website:

Obviously im a newbie still.. lol

I have seen about 17 tornadoes maybe more. I dont really keep track as others do.

Ya know .. In all that excitement I lost count. Ya gotta ask yourself a question. Being that an F5 Tornado is the most powerful tornado in the world and can sweep you up clean off the face of the map.. You gotta ask yourself " Do you feel lucky punk? Well do ya? lol

Im the Dirty Harry of Storm Chasing.. :)
I have seen somewhere between 45-50 tornadoes since I started chasing regularly in the year 2000. I am of the "one tornado per meso" persuasion, so I suppose my numbers would be a bit higher if I counted the "up and down" tornado situations.

2001 was the last year I got "goose-egged." It took me the better part of 3 chase seasons to see my first bonafide tornado (September 18, 2002 near Blackwell, OK). LOL I really had no idea what I was doing back then.

Off to a good start in 2007---hopefully, I'll be able to exceed my 2004 total (but that'll take some doing).
