What's your equipment philosophy?

What's your equipment philosophy?

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listening in

this can be tuned in to listen to the HAM conversations - but I feel bad about doing this as I feel that I am snooping!

Stu, not at all! Those bands are open and free to the public and all hams are aware that many listeners are 'lurking' in quiet mode, both on scanners and other ham radios, too. That's part of the greatness of having those frequencies reserved for amateur use. Listen all you like!

Stu, I agree with Amos 100%!! Tune in all you can, that's how I got into ham radio. I used to listen to them all the time during severe weather back in the day. That's how I got so interested and eventually got my license, haven't looked back since. Those bands are open as can be and all are welcome to listen along. :)
I voted Just the basics. That would include cell phone, vid cam, SLR, binoculars, road map, and scanner. I am perflectly happy with that little equipment.
I voted "Just the Basics," because too much gear does two things to me on a chase: confuses me and distracts me.

I've chased with friends who run a lot of gear, and I've sat down with them in motels/stores/ect etc waiting for info to load on a computer. One time in 2002, the connection was really bad, and after 5 or so minutes of waiting on a radar update, I just finally looked away from the computer and up at the sky. I told them what they needed to know without the radar image. I understand what an assest the gear can be, but in most cases it's more hinderance than help, at least for me.

I also understand that many chasers are out on one-time vacations, and need to "make the most" of their investment for chasing. But for me, the idea that more times than not I will fail is what keeps me going. Long odds make for much sweeter victories than "insurance," IMO.

I have a pretty respectable track record over my entire chase career, and I know it could be even better with the gear stuff. But I also know that chasers today have it so much easier than the guys did back before computers and SPC...and even though chasers like me today (basics/visual) make strides to keep the field "even" and not inflate the odds too much, it's still not what the guys had to deal with back in the day. And for me, it's important to keep as much of the "sport" in chasing as possible.

There's no denying that most chasers (myself included) are often-times more led to tornadoes than they actually find them on their own, but I like to keep the "being led to" factor down as much as possible. Besides, I spend less on an entire chase season than most gear guys have invested in their vehicles before they chase once.
Stu, snoop away, I (and I am sure others) will be glad to provide you with some frequencies to listen to.

"The Cup" made it as far as Washington, PA. I had to drive over some large pot-hole caverns to get to the gas pumps and more than likely it was the jolt from those bumps that finally did our good friend in.

ps. Interesting avatar image...but I thought you were partial to King Vitamin?


As for the topic of equipment. Coming from someone who once lugged the entire DTN unit out into the field, I must say that my own personal trend is towards less equipment towards a more old school Bieda-esque visual-only strategy.

>Hey, I forgot about "The Cup" back in 98. Remember that one? We got it from that rest area near Wichita Falls and it rode the bumper from there to Lubbock and eastern NM, all the way back up to Quincy, IL and beyond? Don't you have some footage of that?

If the cup was still around it would be a valuable piece of equipment: Squeeze the coffee from the paper towels into the cup and "WHAMO!" instant recycled caffeineted beverage!



"The Cup" made it as far as Washington, PA. I had to drive over some large pot-hole caverns to get to the gas pumps and more than likely it was the jolt from those bumps that finally did our good friend in.

ps. Interesting avatar image...but I thought you were partial to King Vitamin?


I'll be damn if it ain't the K-Man! Welcome aboard homey! :-)

I remember you telling me the cup make it a ways back, I had just forgot how far.

I did like King Vitamin until I found out he is was a far-left member of the democrat party. Had to go with "T" after that. Hella good choice!

I might have eneded up eventually with ole' Swag, but it's nice he has a presence in the forum now.

As for the DTN, I think the generator was the worse part. But those certainly were the halcyon days of chasing (and we did have a heck of core punch experience that first day of the infamous DTN field trial!) :-)


(Henchman for the Tennessee Pork Product Producers Mafia)
I keep my equipment pretty simple, mostly because I'm too broke :). Cell phone, Scanner for NOAA, HAMs, and Local Authority, Digital Still cam, and my Mini DV cam with still cam built in. Hopefully I can get me a nice window-mount tripod for my cam this year.
I did like King Vitamin until I found out he is was a far-left member of the democrat party. Had to go with "T" after that. Hella good choice!

I might have eneded up eventually with ole' Swag, but it's nice he has a presence in the forum now.

As for the DTN, I think the generator was the worse part. But those certainly were the halcyon days of chasing (and we did have a heck of core punch experience that first day of the infamous DTN field trial!) :-)

I didn't know that King Vitamin was a big supporter of the Kerry campaign.
I'm already boycotting Heinz ketchup, so I reckon we'll have to add the ole' King to the "Do not buy" list. Shame. The small size restriction to the avatar image procludes me from including any other good pix of Swaggerty, like some of the ones you made, one of which features a cameo appearance by our favorite member of the TWC forecast team ;)
As for the halcyon days of chasing...I have to be Reagenesque here and state that the best days are still on the horizon, although that was a pretty good year.

Sorry I could not make it to the Denver Wedgefest, but I have been hammered at work. I have a golf trip to SC penned for the weekend of the 12th next month, but even that is in jeapordy. I've reserved the week before Memorial Day for this year's excursion, but Mr. Barnes informed me that Mr. CoPunch wants to explore your neck of the woods the first week of June.....which is ok in my book, climatologically speaking...but nearly impossible to schedule a free 12 day block that time of the year....June is bad for me.


Yeah, hooked up with CoPunch in DEN and he videotaped a good bet of the proceedings so he might be willing to share some of it for a price. It was a nice diversion during the winter glum. I told him I'm planning more off-the-cuff excursions down into KS and possibly OK this season (we're fixing to free up an extra $500 a month, so that'll help feed the habit) and that we should plan on some excursions up here in the NE/SD region. This area certainly has been very kind to many chasers the past few years and there's still a lot of unexplored territory and many opportunties to create great sea stories in the years to come.

As for Heinz, I guess I'm on my last bottle right now so we'll have to revert back to Hunt's :-(



Yeah, hooked up with CoPunch in DEN and he videotaped a good bet of the proceedings so he might be willing to share some of it for a price. It was a nice diversion during the winter glum. I told him I'm planning more off-the-cuff excursions down into KS and possibly OK this season (we're fixing to free up an extra $500 a month, so that'll help feed the habit) and that we should plan on some excursions up here in the NE/SD region. This area certainly has been very kind to many chasers the past few years and there's still a lot of unexplored territory and many opportunties to create great sea stories in the years to come.

As for Heinz, I guess I'm on my last bottle right now so we'll have to revert back to Hunt's :-(



That's the benefit y'all have for living in the area. Folks like myself get 1 chance per year, and that's it. Good to see you and Mr. Wear had a good time. Maybe next year.

I've reserved the week before Memorial Day for this year's excursion, but Mr. Barnes informed me that Mr. CoPunch wants to explore your neck of the woods the first week of June....

Actually I think Mr Barnes might have misunderstood me, I actually wanted to chase more towards YOUR neck of the woods...I'm really eager to chase New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and especially eastern Tennessee. Especially after finding a photo taken near a very famous corporate HQ in Kodak TN last year..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

[Broken External Image]:http://home.earthlink.net/~jwear/kodaktor.jpg
I think I may have seen that picture somewhere before Jeff. As a matter of fact, I think there is another image showing the tornado roping out in a helical fashion, closely resembling a curled pig tail. Do you know where we could find that image.

Very interesting storm.


I think I may have seen that picture somewhere before Jeff. As a matter of fact, I think there is another image showing the tornado roping out in a helical fashion, closely resembling a curled pig tail. Do you know where we could find that image.

I think Swaggerty might have it locked away in his top secret vault high up in the Smoky Mts. But I did find this picture of him on a chase in New Mexico a few years back....

[Broken External Image]:http://home.earthlink.net/~jwear/swaglp.jpg