What's the warmest temperature you ever experienced.

Dec 4, 2003
Grand Rapids, Michigan
What's the warmest temperature you ever experienced.

Myself: 113 Las Vegas, Nevada

My hometown of Grand Rapids, Michigan, since 1960,
we had only hit 100 degrees twice. Hiighest heat index,
I have experienced was 121 and 126 degrees, locations
where Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo.

I remember seeing a Heat Index once for Cedar Rapids, Iowa
of 134 degrees before.

Well I've only experienced actual temperatures just over 100, but in 1995 during the tremendous midwest heatwave I experienced a heat index of 123. That was with a temperature of 100, and a dewpoint of 81 or 82 I believe. I have never before or since seen or heard of a temp at the century mark with dewpoints near 80. That same day in Cedar Rapids IA the dewpoint hit 84 degrees and the heat index surpassed 130. This is also the same heatwave that killed over 500 people in Chicago and killed thousands of cattle in Iowa...
109F in Ephrata, Washington on my thermometer in the shade. Sometime in the later 90s, was a HOT one. The Central Basin is known for baking in the dead of summer. Thank god for central air!!
Highest temperature ever experienced was 124F in Death Valley, CA on the way to Las Vegas back in '94 or '95 (this maybe a record for the day as well, as I believe Las Vegas set a record). As for hottest temp in MI ever experienced would have to be in '95, when temps hit 100-102F, with high humidity (not sure what the Td's were).
Several days in a row over 100F in Charleston, WV in 1988. 125F or more every time I get in my truck after it's been sitting out on a hot summer day :)
Early September, 2000

It was the hottest September day ever recorded in Dallas, TX - 111 degrees. And of all the September days to build a deck, we picked that one.

That's the hottest official temperature that I know of......I'm fairly certain I've experienced hotter days, growing up my entire life in southern Oklahoma. I remember the Summer that OK set its all-time state high of 120, so it's a safe bet I've experienced some 1teens.
113F in Turlock CA in July 1991

about Dan R's note about car temps - I keep a thermometer inside my car and it has recorded some unreal temps when sitting out on a summer day. The highest temperature I've seen inside my car so far is 158F.
The highest measured local temperature I've experienced was 103°F outside on July 30, 1999 (here in Cincinnati). That was the air ambient temperature, but the unshielded thermometer read 109°F. The temperature may have been higher on some day in 1988, but I didn't have a thermometer capable of keeping the high/low temperatures.

Sometimes the temperature on my unfinished second floor will reach 110-115°F on days when the outside temperature is in the 90s. I once tried to measure the temperature inside a car (windows up), the thermometer needle went past the maximum written number of 130°F on the dial.
108 °F in Amarillo, TX in June 1990, and 1998 (two days in a row) That's the all time high for Amarillo.

I've been in a much hotter heat index when I was at Lake Conroe N. of Houston in the summer of 2001. (~110- 120)
First week of April, 1989, I was in PHX for the Indy Car race at PIR.

PHX had a record high set every day that week, each day over 100 (only April, though), and I was out in the bleachers watching the racing.

There were some stands selling lemonade, and I remember race day drinking 5 or 6 of these huge (probably 32 oz.) lemonades without ever visiting the men's room.
