What inspired you to start chasing?

Seeing what others had seen on the internet got me into it. The love was there since whever, but I never had any idea how many different shapes storms could actually come in. I wanted to find them all. I think some on here are getting the question confused with what sparked your interest in weather or storms. I don't think anyone decided to actually chase right after these long ago experiences. There is a decent gap between just enjoying weather and actually chasing it. I really do not think I thought about chasing it till I read about others doing it online. I was always on the hill in town though rolling video well before the internet. Chasing never crossed my mind till I read others were doing it though. And I got lucky on my very first chase and got a nice tornado. I wonder how much I would of kept trying had I not done so. Who knows.

What sparked my interest in weather was when my dad would take me out on the front porch when I was real young to watch thunderstorms at night. In 1985 or 86 I saw the National Geographic Special about David Hoadley and the NSSL chase team. I still have that on tape. Through the 90s I would watch storms from home and take video of them. Starting in 1997 we started going to Oklahoma to possibly see storms. It wasnt until June 5 of 2001 that we went on our first chase. We chased a supercell near Vici, Oklahoma. On May 5, 2002 I saw my first tornado near Seiling, Oklahoma. Since I started chasing in 2001 I've seen at least 10 tornados, with a couple possilbes. I have a love for storms of all types. I would love to go on a hurricane chase someday, but that wont be for quite a while.
Great question. It is 105 and sticky, I'm watching the radar so I'll give it the full story here...


In 1992 I experienced some beautiful feathery lightning near Indio while driving through the California Deserts at 4am. It was just starting to get light outside, revealing air strikes over mountains. I enjoyed the lightshow.

What I didn't realize was that the "Monsoon" in the Southwestern United States can really pack a punch, unleashing torrential rain, flash floods, severe wind gusts (when I say severe, I mean, even the potential for 100mph +, like one recorded at Deer Valley Airport at 115mph a few years ago), microbursts and frequent to even constant lightning.

I moved to Arizona in 1994, blissfully expecting fantastic winters and the summers to be what the almanacs say: Hot. And they are. But a month or so after arriving, I looked one summer night across the desert to the south at what appeared to be a solid purple, blackish wall being sliced in half by CGs.

The storm door was open for the Mexican Monsoon (so named because this pattern comes from Mexico). Severe thunderstorm warnings were issued as well as funnel sightings, here comes some intense wind, then a wall of dust followed by torrential rains. I didn't know at that point that I was about to experience one of the most severe storms of my life. This type of severe weather was also new to me as well because I grew up in Northern California, where fog and earthquakes make weather news.

When the wall arrived, the sky blackened and the storm started throwing down lightning like a mad scientist. I didn't know it was even possible for a storm to produce that much electricity, it was like an animation or Tesla coil, hard to describe. The lightning was close as well, hitting objects across the street and right outside. The power goes. Then a CG struck a tree that was touching my roof. It was a deafening crash, like something blowing up. I hit the floor.

Even with all that was going on, the thing I remember most is closing my eyes that night and seeing the afterimages of all the lightning strikes, a blinding effect that didn't go away for about two hours. When the storm finally moved off I went outside to take a look at the damage. Broken pieces of all kinds of stuff were everywhere. The landscaping was rearranged in Cuisinart fashion, there was a patio table set at the bottom of a pool, hundreds of trees were down all over town and power poles snapped in half, tossed upsidedown into the canals. Now in the shape of a giant Y, my lone tree was alive but split in half with a burn mark down the middle. The Mexican Monsoon delivered it's fury to my front door that night, scared the living tar out of me, but I didn't know that it also gave me a gift.

After that experience (and actually, no storm I have seen has matched it to date for electricity, even the ones I see in the Plains), I was shaken and thought to myself "Where the hell did I move to?" At the time I did not understand the Mexican Monsoon.

During the following months, I became fearful when lightning was near. In the desert, lightning is the ruler of the sky, CGs striking at will and touching closeby. No wonder the legends and lore, and that the Giant Saguaro cactus (icon of the desert) is also known as the Sentinel of the Desert. It's a 40ft water-filled lightning rod, taking the strikes on behalf of everything else.

I knew that I needed to do something, anything to decrease my nervousness around storms if I was going to live in Arizona and be at ease with the Monsoon. Life is weird. The whole experience was so ironic for me, because I was the weathergeek of the family, fascinated by lightning, thunder, tornadoes since I was old enough to read my dad's collection of science books. Lightning was always my subject of choice. I would dream about it, read about it, look forward to it and follow it once in awhile in the Sierra foothills. Now, I was the fisherman afraid of the sea.

1995 came so I hit the books, reading everything I could get my hands on about lightning and the Mexican Monsoon, with the strategy of educating my way out of fear. I didn't just want to see the lightning, I wanted to know it, how it works, the various forms of it and learn the lightning hotspots in the Southwest.

I collected a library of weather material, grabbed for "required reading" such as Martin Uman's book "Lightning" (cover is well worn). Warren Faidley's books were in my collection too, particularly because he is an Arizonan. I talked online to lightning afficionados here and in Australia.

Magazine was my career field, and with that, photography. I had hundreds of pictures of all kinds of subjects, just not lightning, not yet. But I couldn't think of a better way to understand my quarry then to photograph it in still form photojournalism, saving the image so I can look at the details later. By now, fear had become fascination.

I started visiting places like the Chiricahua, Mazatzals and Superstitions, to learn the roads and vantage points. (Forest service sign on the wall at Chiricahua Natl Monument: "Lightning index: none, moderate, frequent, constant"). Love that.

I set out to get dirty (and did I get dirty) running the deserts and learning to take pictures of lightning. Shortly thereafter I wanted to extend my season and catch some structure too so included trips to the Plains in the springtime (where lightning is very different, I discovered). Seasons later, I have a lightning collection, storm stories and yet, the passion for stormchasing never wanes (it gets worse LOL) and each year is a new chance.

There are thousands of blink-of-an-eye lightning bolts in Arizona each year and plenty to go for in the Plains. I plan to freeze a few of them in time. Someone asked me once why I go to such trouble to put lightning on film. The answer is simple, "So I can see it."

A very deep consuming lifelong passionate interest in WEATHER! (aggravated in childhood by 4-10-1979 W.Falls tornado, the 1980 heatwave, hundreds of severe thunderstorms, etc.)

My interest in weather goes back for as long as I remember. It was the influence of floods and runoff associated with heavy rain which first intrigued me, and the challenge in forecasting led to my interest in thunderstorms, particularly heavy rain and hail. During 1989, a talk by Chuck Doswell on tornadoes led to the dream of chasing storms and tornadoes. In 1993, I met my website team mate and we began chasing in Australia. There have been a few tornadic encounters in Australia including a storm that has to be one of the favourites with an inflowband at Coffs Harbour. But it was the US 2001 trip and associated tornadoes that became the highlight of my career and dream come true! US chasing is now an important part of my chasing calendar. This year's 2004 US Tornado Alley trip has certainly consolidated that concept.

Jimmy Deguara
Originally posted by KMcCallister
A very deep consuming lifelong passionate interest in WEATHER! (aggravated in childhood by 4-10-1979 W.Falls tornado, the 1980 heatwave, hundreds of severe thunderstorms, etc.)
4-10-79 Lawton OK started it all for me!! I've been obsessed with weather since as far back as I can remember and I used to sit and watch TWC all day long on a day there was RED in our area for severe storms. I'd go out locally and watch them come in always hoping to see a tornado. I dont really know what started me actually chasing them other than I knew the chances of the elusive tornado was not going to just come to me sitting in Omaha.. I chased Eastern NE for a long time then moved to Amarillo where a trip to Pampa June,8 95 for a funeral netted me my first tornado kinda on accident. Hell of a tor to see for your first.. after that I was hooked until I got into the relationship from hell that wouldnt allow me to go.

March 28th 2000 brought my love of storms and tornadoes back to the forefront of my life when it took my roof and I watched till it crossed I-20 and went out of view on its way to Grand Praire. I knew there was no going back after that, its just who I am and here I am.. Now I take time out during the spring to go where the storms are and the rest of the time chase whatever is close to me... I'm just lucky damn near everything has been close to me this year.
I am going to show my age here. I remember when around 3years old in 1960 ( give or take a year ) a flood. We lived on a highway and just down the road a creek had flooded stranding cars. I remember standing at the front fence as my dad went down to help. I so wished to be there, even though I could see it from the front fence.

I guess that must have been the spark. I grew up as the kid who loved puddles, never wore a raincoat and loved making dams.

When I got my first car in 1974 I was immediately chasing storms and flash floods. My scientific knowledge of storms was poor at best, but then again in 1974 nobody in Australia knew much better. Chasing consisted of basicially getting into the heaviest rain and hail I could find, if water was flooding the road that was a bonus , not a hinderance.

I still carry that poor habit today, consistently not stopping at an ideal photo location, but pushing on too close.
I was 6 or 7 years old when the superoutbreak of 74 took place. My parents was really worried about that. And as a young child to see my parents act like that. I became terrified of them as well. In Wizard of OZ, the Tornado scene scared me more than those flying monkey thingys. It was also so bad that when we had the practice tornado drills at school, my stomach would turn itself in and out because i thought one might happen.
But i think I was 9 when I saw this book at school "Hurricanes and Tornadoes". I checked it out, and was so amazed. From that point the fear that my parents instilled to me became of wonder and curious feeling to the Tornado, then as I grew I learned more and more about the storm.
Then in 87 my brother and I started to go out and spot when severe weather would come into the area. Have seen many funnel clouds but have'nt been lucky enough to see a tornado on the ground...yet...
Realizing that if I wanted to see anything interesting I'd have to drive to the storms instead of waiting for them to come to me. In junior high and high school I got frustrated with all the storms that seemed to miss us by 50 miles or less. Not getting my license until I was almost 19 made it tougher - from the time I was 16 to the time I was 18 the area I lived at the time had an unusually high amount of severe weather that I wished I could have chased. After I got my license I tried to chase as many convective events as I could within 100 miles of my town - got a few funnels, some decent hail events, and even a tornado - but there were never as many chances to chase as there were in the 3 years before I got my license.

I figured I would probably make a trip out to the Plains at some point, but didn't seriously consider it until I was invited on a trip out here in 1998 with a group of chasers I had known on-line for several years. A year later I decided to enroll at OU, and although I didn't last long there I ended up getting a job here in Norman and settle here permanently. Five years later I'm still here enjoying the numerous opportunites to chase throughout the year.

Mel - Pampa was your first? :shock:
Nothing like baptism by fire I guess. I have an 8x10 photo of that one that Al Moller had mailed to me. It is an amazing shot. To date, Al's Pampa photo is by far the most vivid example of a violent, out of control tornado that I have ever seen. Somehow he captured it plus the flying debris in detail without becoming a casualty. Pampa makes Twister animations look like child's play.
I've commented on this in previous threads; but the event which started it off for me was the 13-May-1980 Kalamazoo, Michigan tornado which stuck my hometown. By the time I was really getting into severe weather; around age five (1986); it was Fred Ostby from the NSSFC in Kansas City, MO whom provided my mom with video and pamphlets from the 10-April-1979 Wichita Falls, Texas tornado. Both events, combined with the release of the PBS NOVA "Tornado" special in 1986 is what began my key interests in meteorology and severe convective storms.

Originally posted by mrobinson
where a trip to Pampa June,8 95 for a funeral netted me my first tornado kinda on accident.

Wow Melissa. That tornado is to me the ultimate - the one I've always wanted to see. Mulvane came pretty close but for me nothing beats the structure/shape/motion of the 6/95 Pampa tornado. That is incredible that you saw it by accident, I know a lot of chasers wished they had been there.
I'm not 100% sure at what age I started lovin' the extreme weather, sometime around 7 or 8 I think. My father was a high school geography teacher (whom I had for a teacher in grade 9; kinda interesting being the teachers kid :wink: ) and the curriculum contained a fairly extensive weather/climate componenent, and himself being a weather keener, I picked up the passion from him. I grew up on the eastern shores of Lake Huron (Goderich) and we always had some kewl weather movin' in from the lake. Once I nabbed my drivers license, the "take it to the storms" began...that was 23 years ago, man time flies....:)

Be well, TR
Hi Michael,

I guess that must have been the spark. I grew up as the kid who loved puddles, never wore a raincoat and loved making dams.

I was too embarrassed to suggest I did the same thing!!! I wore a raincoat though:) But building the largest blocked flow in gutters and then letting it go rapidly...wow!!


Jimmy Deguara[/quote]
My late mother loved storms, I remember going from window to window as a kid back in the 1960's, watching the storms with her, she loved lightning especially, and other aspects of the storms. When the tornado sirens went off, instead of running to our basement, we run outside to see if we could see a tornado. My late mother is the one, I contribute to my love of storms. When I was about 8, she bought me a weather station and over the years, many books on meteorology. Also my father would take me downtown often to the library and I would check out all the meteorology books. Dad saw the April 03, 1956 F-5 tornado that hit Kent County, I am still jealous of him today because of that.

When I got my drivers licensce back in 1976, I just went out and find a storm in the West Michigan area and chased it. You learned chasing on your own, learned how to read the storms, and learn by your mistakes. I never heard of the word storm chaser back then,. There was no NOAA Wx-Radio, Internet, Cell Phones, Laptop, etc. Nothing. You listen to the static on the AM radio. I only wish I grew up in a better state for storms, Michigan is not the greatest state for storms.
