Blake Michaleski
I think we can agree that by having AccuWeather issue all MCD's in the future - problems like this would be avoided...
What problem Rob? I cant tell if that was serious or you being a smartass. If the original poster had come on here and asked what SRH meant then there would have been one reply and his question would have been answered. I agree with Jeff S and Jeff L in that abbreviations are essential to everyday life. Products like MCDs are time sensitive, not as much as warnings obviously (where a computer actually writes them from a few clicks of the mouse from the NWS met) but abbreviations save time and to the people in which that product is targeted to (local WFO's) then they know the abbreviations already.
SPC doesnt write convective outlooks, MCDs and such for the general public or for chasers. Therefore there is no need to make them general public friendly when the target audience has no complaints.
Now when a WFO finds something they dont like in an MCD then i'm sure it would be fixed. but if Carl Chaser or Wayne Weathergeek sends an email to SPC asking that the forecasters type out Medicine lodge, KS instead of P28, the email would make a rather quick trip to the trash folder.
Even if Accuweather did issue all of these products, I'm sure they would abbreviate to save time. After all, Time is money. :roll: