What do you think the policy on names be on Stormtrack? (2011 poll)

What do you think the policy on names be on Stormtrack? (2011 poll)

  • Use real names only (this is current policy)

    Votes: 158 94.6%
  • Allow limited use of nicknames/handles or impose restrictions on them

    Votes: 7 4.2%
  • No restrictions on names/nicknames/handles

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 2 1.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Dec 4, 2003
As many of you may know, Stormtrack has always had a policy of requiring the use of real names. Since this is one aspect of our board that is unique from the rest of the Internet community, I thought it would be good to revisit this policy from time to time and see what you all think.

Pros: It gives us a certain level of professionalism and mutual recognition within the hobby.

Cons: Privacy issues, whether we're talking employers, stalkers, data mining, etc.

So tell us your opinions on this issue and vote in the attached poll. The poll is NOT an official referendum and is meant only to gauge the sentiment among our users to help us set policy.

NOTE: In the option "No restrictions on names/nicknames/handles", this does not mean that users can select offensive or profane handles, but rather that they don't have to abide by any specific requirements and can name their own username.

Tim Vasquez
Real names only. I'm not even crazy about the level of abbreviations and truncations of names that has occurred. I want to know the full name so that I can google them or associate them to other sites, FB, etc. The policy has worked well, and has kept ST on such a higher level of professionalism than most any other forum site (and we're talk about 15 or so for me). If you really want to see how far down a weather site can go without real names, just head to Americanwx.com and browse around. Need another example...check out accuweather forums. Sure, they accept and prefer that system and that's fine for them, but here...I just don't see it.

In part I still view this site as a evolutionary step from the print edition. It is about a community of chasers. Not everyone is part of the ST community, which if fine, but this forum to me is just an online extension of what might be talked about and discussed if there happen to be a chaser convergence in the plains, and we were all waiting for initiation and were chatting it up on the side of a dusty 'Bob's Road'.

Privacy wise I understand. If it is a real concern...I could see someone only posting in the B&G since that is not open to the public. I don't think however, there is a huge amount (if any) that are super concerned about the issue of what employers, family, etc. are seeing.

About the only exception to the name rule I could see is for those with established businesses and prefer to use the business name. However, it would have to be a registered business and recognized by the community or provide proof (state license). Like in my case I often use "Weather Warrior" or some form thereof (like WeatherWarriorMedia). I'm a registered business in the state of Maryland. I would have no problem providing time a copy of my trade name certificate. It might become tricky though for those that have partners in the business...like Scott Bennett and Steve Miller....which one gets to use ChaserTV?
We've done other polls about real names in the past, and it's always been a landslide for real names. Let's keep it that way.
I definitely support keeping the current policy. I don't participate in forums unless real names are used...thus, this is the only one I'm in at the moment.
Real names keep everyone honest. Well, except those who are using fake names.
I like the idea of real names. I stand behind all my words I post or say and would expect anybody else to do the same. I do think business or website names could be an option too. Everyone knows Steve Miller as HamWx. WeatherWarrior. Passion Twist. ECT. etc. Also if there is more than one person to an organization (use Convective Addiction for example) It could be Convective Addiction - Danny or something ... Chaser TV - Scott. But at that point why wouldn't you just use your real name? I think real names are the easiest and most honest way of doing things.
I would have to remain in strong support of maintaining the "real name" policy. I think the quality of message boards and other e-communities tends to decrease as anonymity in posting is allowed to increase. I understand that privacy issues are a bona fide concern for some, and I've been one who has actually been "burned" on the privacy front, but in the end I think preserving the integrity of the forum should outweigh those individual concerns to some extent.

In an overwhelming majority of cases (not all I realize), the privacy issues can be mitigated by individuals being more selective and prudent as to what, where and how they post various content outside of the Bar and Grill (or on the Internet period).
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I wholeheartedly support the use of real names. There is a clause in the ToS that allows for someone to use another name if they choose to do so (the Severe Studios guy comes to mind), which I think is just fine and should remain the same in the future. It allows us to maintain a community with professionalism, courtesy, and honesty if folks aren't allowed to hide behind a fictitious name.
Real names for sure.

Danny makes a decent suggestion when it comes to our associated website/wx related business, but I guess those can remain in the signature as well.