I remember a few days before this muassive tornado was supposed to occur and Dr. Greg Forbes saying i
Actually this could be an interesting topic. On my chase log for the day I refered to it as "the great bust of 08." This was supposed to be an armageddon setup that even SPC talked about going to HIGH risk on the day 2 and the whole thing just crapped out.
I chased this day and my target area saw some tornadoes, but nowhere near what was progged in the many days leading up to the event. There was allot of excitment and hype on this board and across NFOs in the areas to be affected.
I know lack of instibility and morning crapvection put a major damper on things...but there was more at work. I never did any analysis on the im not too good at figuring out why storms DIDNT happen...I mainly focus on forecasting...tho Id like to start getting into some post event analysis.