What cell phone services work the best for chasing?

I used Verizon this past year and had service where some others did not. I know AT&T was one, but since they merged with Cingular, I am not sure how there coverage improved.
I've generally used ATTWS in the past and have been quite pleased with the service on the TDMA National OneRate plan. I did try Verizon for a bit, but, in my experience, coverage wasn't as good as it was with ATT. I have since switched over to Cingular, though that doesn't really matter that much I suppose since ATT is now Cingular anyways. I'm excited to have moved on from the Ositech+Nokia 6160+ATT data setup of years past and into the GPRS age with my Motorola MPx220. Though I'm pretty excited about this data solution, I realize that even GPRS data (~30-50 kbps) is two generations old now, behind EDGE (100-150 kbps)and the new UMTS high-speed networks (400-600 kbps) that Cingular is said to be building starting next year. Refer to http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1759,1734176,00.asp for some info on UMTS by Cingular.
Best cellphone service

I purchased a TracFone in September and have found that no matter where I go I ALWAYS have excellent reception! I purchase my minutes as I go and have bought a 1 year Double Minutes card, which means when I purchase a 400 minute card I get 800 instead!! (for 80$) It may be a little pricier than most other cellphone companies but with my TracFone I don't have a monthly bill, contract, deposit, etc.!!
I don't reccomend Sprint PCS. They kick out in nearly all rural areas. Nationwide network, my butt. Can you hear me now? Nope.

Also, welcome back Craig! :D
What cell phone services work best for chasing?

I have been using Nextel. But, I'd advise against it. Main problem being is lack of service area. Granted, all cell companies have this problem, but Nextel seems to be at the top of the list.

Besides, the best advantage to using Nextel is the nation wide walkie-talkie feature. And unless you know other chasers or nowcasters with that, then you might as well look elsewhere.
Originally posted by Jeff Snyder
Though I'm pretty excited about this data solution, I realize that even GPRS data (~30-50 kbps) is two generations old now, behind EDGE (100-150 kbps)and the new UMTS high-speed networks (400-600 kbps) that Cingular is said to be building starting next year.

Did EDGE ever become readily available to the public?? I thought I remember seeing that it had started being rolled out by AT&T to their towers back in early-mid 2003, but can't find hardly anything on this now. Was it dropped in favor of the UMTS thing?

Originally posted by David Draun
I don't reccomend Sprint PCS. They kick out in nearly all rural areas. Nationwide network, my butt. Can you hear me now? Nope.

Gotta agree with David.. in fact, I will likely be a Verizon subscriber come next season. With additional features such as the roaming option, I was able to maximize the service areas, but even then, had issues getting service in deep areas of nowhere. I've been with Sprint PCS for a while now, so I'm not in a hurry to say don't use it if you don't mind shoving out the extra few bucks monthly for the additional roaming plan. Guess I'm hoping Verizon's service area covers those areas where I'd normally be roaming!
I've read something about being able to access the Internet over ham radio... has anyone ever done this, and is it feasible as an alternative to cell-phone data options?
Originally posted by Scott Taylor+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Scott Taylor)</div>
<!--QuoteBegin-Jeff Snyder
Though I'm pretty excited about this data solution, I realize that even GPRS data (~30-50 kbps) is two generations old now, behind EDGE (100-150 kbps)and the new UMTS high-speed networks (400-600 kbps) that Cingular is said to be building starting next year.

Did EDGE ever become readily available to the public?? I thought I remember seeing that it had started being rolled out by AT&T to their towers back in early-mid 2003, but can't find hardly anything on this now. Was it dropped in favor of the UMTS thing?


I don't know about AT&T Wireless's EDGE network, but I know Cingular (which bought out ATTWS) has a pretty decent EDGE network, especially relative to the 'high speed' data systems of other providers. The problem is that wireless carriers are spending millions and millions of dollars on upgrading their systems every couple of years. And the sad part is that the "new" technology in the US actually tends to be "old" technology elsewhere across the world. For example, Japan has had 3G data services with realtime video teleconferencing capabilities for several years now, while U.S. carriers are JUST starting (or planning) to roll that out here. I'm not sure why some carriers didn't just jump technology generations, since most went from the older analog/digital/PCS technology to 2G (GSM/GRPS) to 2.5G (EDGE or similar) to now 3G (UMTS, EDVO I believe, etc) . I suppose it was all about competition and the sheer number of towers needed to cover the U.S., but it still seems interesting...
Originally posted by Tony Laubach
Gotta agree with David.. in fact, I will likely be a Verizon subscriber come next season.

Change that, I am NOW a Verizon customer! I opted to make the change last night when I finally decided to pull the trigger. Their coverage is much more broad in areas where I travel (especially in the Spring). My next mission is to dispute the inevitable 'early termination fee' with reasons such as not being able to communicate to others on business in the Plains! Wish me luck! :lol:
Depending upon your state laws and the carrier, I know that in some states, the "early termination fee" is pro-rated through the length of the contract. In other words, if you are half-way through your contract, you only have to pay half the fee. I don't about about CO, but just thought I'd bring it up...
I have had Verizon now for going on my third season. I have only had one problem with roaming, just south of the Kansas Oklahoma border. Other than that, I have been very pleased with my coverage. I have the nation wide plan, so That one roaming spot killed me :shock:
Other than that, I will continue to use verizon unless something better comes up.
I have Cingular as my cell phone service, and am very pleased. While I've chased the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa and Wisconsin...the only place I've had service problems was rural central Wisconsin. No one has any business chasing up there anyways...