Weird summer cold front

Dec 4, 2003
What's up with this strong cold front coming down into Texas/Oklahoma? That's quite a rarity to get something of that strength this time of year. The only year I can recall where this kind of thing happened was 1996, and that was in August.

4 pm temperatures, warm sector:
Ardmore OK - 100F
Tulsa - 95F

4 pm temperatures, cold sector:
Wichita - 70F, rain
Kansas City - 70F, overcast stratus
Garden City - 69F, overcast stratus

Couldn't agree more - as a Normanite about to get FROPA - I've been watching it all day. Iiiiinteresting.....with our temps forecast to be in the low 60s and a high of 80 tomorrow - I'm looking forward to some weather like back home for a day or so. I might even be able to make it out to walk for leisure one night soon......

Personally, I think it's the end of days - Tsunamis, active hurricane season, massive earthquakes (with one in Montana), and now strong cold fronts. :lol:

Here are the 19Z OBS... I quickly sketched in the front:

Feels more like mid-September around here with the cool north wind and heavy drizzle.

It was interesting crossing under the front driving back from Colorado yesterday. It was 92 around Wakeeney, a rain-cooled 73 in Hays, and a balmy 97 just ahead of the line of storms as I passed east of Russell, and now we're in the mid-60's today here in Manhattan. Certainly an interesting front to say the least. Maybe we'll see an August snow :wink:

After the last heat wave this feels awsome!!Right now, 70F with a DP of 58F! :D
I'm also loving this ... yesterday I got a shot holding my Kestrel as it read 100F ... and today another one with it reading 70. I never knew cool rain in KC could feel so good, but it is like a breath of fresh air around here.

Unusually potent cold front for this time of year ... amazing that even the TX panhandle is cooling off nicely. The plains are great for being able to go from one extreme to another at the drop of a hat.
As I recall, the same thing happened exactly one year ago to the day in Dallas. We ended up with several days of cool temps and about 8 in of rain over the period. I'll take it anyway we can get it. It is nice to have a break from this heat and we really need the rain.
Cool weather won't last long though, temps in the mid-80s will be back by Friday, still not nearly as hot as before though- :D
Wow!!! AC is off, all windows open, 73/64, nice little north breeze. Can we keep it like this until about November or so? :lol:

Record high temps over 100 through early in the weekend and we may hit a record LOW tonight here in Denver. Today was a back-east type feeling day; overcast, cool, and drizzly... made me feel almost at home today! :)
We got our evening walk this evening - a welcome surprise after staying cooped up indoors for the past 2 weeks during the heatwave.

Around 7.00pm a dark bank of low clouds formed on the northern horizon, and by 8.45pm - while we were out walking - the stratiform bank of interesting clouds had spread down over Norman. It moved in at a fair speed and it was interesting watching the dark gray slivers of low stratus streak underneath the higher, fragmented accas and the sunset-blue sky way high up.

Nice evening, for a change.

July 27th record low for GRI is 52F. As of 10PM (03Z) we're at 57 and dropping. GID forecasted a low of near 50, but would not be surprised if we dip down into the upper 40's here by morning.

Two days ago, with the 100F+ temmps, I hated summer; now, it's my favorite season! :)


Sounds familiar Karen... played bball at 7pm. Noted the same clouds, and then I stopped playing a bit earlier than usual because it was getting too dark for me (didn't bring my glasses). Note that the sounding from OUN (launched at 6pm and after already a 7F drop) has no inversion... proof you don't need an inversion to have a cold front ;)
