Webstar computer to computer network


It seems everywhere I go my computer displays a webstar computer to computer network nearby. Does anyone know what this is?? its driving me batty.. thinking of conspiracies etc.. lol
The only thing I can think of is that "Webstar" is a brand name for some cable modems. The Network they are attached to may be grabbing the firmware name or something like that and displaying. I don't know if they are also a branded router or not.
I recently found out that XP will create it's own wireless network if it doesn't find one to connect to. That means if there are other chasers around you even if they aren't connected to a true internet connection they will appear as a network option. Their computers can attempt to connect to you and you can attempt to connect to them computer to computer. This is actually a microsoft security vulnerability which is how I found it. Webstar is a brand of cable modem, perhaps they make wireless routers that some have converted to wifi scanners? Not sure there. Do you have a webstar anything?
I recently found out that XP will create it's own wireless network if it doesn't find one to connect to. That means if there are other chasers around you even if they aren't connected to a true internet connection they will appear as a network option. Their computers can attempt to connect to you and you can attempt to connect to them computer to computer. This is actually a microsoft security vulnerability which is how I found it. Webstar is a brand of cable modem, perhaps they make wireless routers that some have converted to wifi scanners? Not sure there. Do you have a webstar anything?

Nope... I have no idea who webstar is.. If i were to do a search for networks say.. 10 miles outside of Falls City with not a sole within 10 miles it will still show up.. real head scratcher.. :blink:
I think that is the key. If everywhere you go and it shows up when nothing else is around then chances are it is some part of your equipment perhaps detecting itself.