Webhosting providers who do you use?

Originally posted by Adam Bennett

One not listed yet, have used for 3 years, had a total of 32 minutes downtime, all between 12PCST and 6ACST. $7.77 / Month, 12GB Space, 300GB Bandwidth. Hands down the best I've ever used.

Another vote for powweb.com!

Their OPS interface is among the best out there, and prices are hard to beat. Can't go wrong with powweb.com

I had yahoo for about a year or so then had some problems. When I wrote their techies, I never got timely responses...........EVER. I am no computer guru by any stretch of the imagination, but when I got to the point when my site was down and Yahoo never responded, I called Dave Drummond up. Dave had my sight up and running over a week before I ever got a response from Yahoo tech support. Day late and a dollar short for them. Dave made it quick and downright easy for me to make the switch. HIGHLY recommend Dryline. ET
I use totalchoicehosting for my website. Their $55 a year plan includes 20GB monthly bandwidth and 850MB disk space. I use godaddy.com for the registration at about $9 a year IIRC. Totalchoice isn't free, but its immensely faster than uploading all my web traffic through my Cox connection with my linux box.